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Broadband Mobile Communication Electromagnetic Spectrum Planning And Management

Posted on:2014-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B S NieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330398970748Subject:Communication and Information System
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of wireless communication technologies, especially the explosive growth of broadband mobile communication system and application, it requires more radio spectrum as a carrier for high-speed wireless transmission. To ensure all kinds of system running well, spectrum management department needs to allocate specified spectrum resource to each new system or device. Based on the old management method of frequency management, our country uses administrative way to plan spectrum. The old method is lack of scientific argumentation and analysis, what’s more, the usage efficiency of some low-band frequencies is still too low, which leads to the serious contradictions between the inefficient spectrum resources management and the high spectrum needs. In recent years, some international organizations have made a forecast of the framework for broadband mobile communications development and market data, and proposed the concept of spectrum demand forecasting; some nations have proposed the integration of spectrum planning system. Inspired by this, our nation requires accurate demand forecasts as well as the electronic spectrum management center as a tool to guide future frequency planning. Based on accurate forecast analysis of the future mobile communications spectrum demand, combined with information system supporting planning, this contradiction can be resolved effectively. Therefore, new technology of broadband mobile spectrum planning and management has attracted the attention of researchers.This article first briefly describes the concept and characteristic of electromagnetic spectrum management as well as some key technologies, then focused on the spectrum demand forecasting technology and supporting planning techniques. As China’s rapidly push the development of4G communication system, the spectrum planning for4G will be needed as soon as possible. Spectrum demand forecast will be concerned firstly when spectrum resource needs to be allocated for a new system or devices. However our nation’s spectrum need forecast lacks of data support and scientific reasons, and the frequency planning work is rarely based the forecast conclusions. This article proposed a two levels spectrum demand forecast method for our country’s IMT system frequency planning, from the total needs to the TDD/FDD needs proportion forecast, providing strong scientific evidence to our country’s4G communication system frequency planning. In addition, this thesis proposed a creative framework and module design for the IMT frequency management system integration, presenting a architecture, features, processes, modules, design research for the building of spectrum resource center.To sum up, the thesis is constituted of the following aspects.First of all, the thesis makes a overview of the definition and character of electromagnetic spectrum management and points out that a well electromagnetic spectrum management is the guarantee for wireless communications functioning orderly and healthily; then presents the research work of its legal regulations constraint; then describes the challenges brought by the broadband communications spectrum management, summarizing the key technologies in this field; then proposed more detail of these two main theses, two levels spectrum demands forecast for IMT system frequency planning research and the design for electromagnetic spectrum resource planning center.For the spectrum demand forecast part, the article firstly discusses the problem of the elder forecast on IMT spectrum needs, which lacks of data and relation between frequency planning and forecasting work, may cause the low recognition degree on planning; then this problem leads the research work on levels spectrum demands forecast method, from the total spectrum needs forecast based on the general forecast method and the detailed data to the TDD/FDD frequency requirements proportion prediction based on the factor analysis and some forecast method; finally the article gave the spectrum plans according to the two levels forecasts, as well as the satisfaction of the total IMT frequency needs.For the electromagnetic spectrum resources center part, based on the manually frequency planning process and the combination of3rd chapter planning software design ideas, the article makes an overall design of the whole framework and the implementation process, including the demand analysis and forecasting module, simulation environment, planning generated modules and the foundation database.Finally, the conclusion is given in the end of this thesis, there are still some limits in the proposed schemes and the author also points out the research filed in the near future.
Keywords/Search Tags:broadband mobile communication, spectrumplanning and management, spectrum demand forecast, supportingplanning
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