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Library Statistical System Desgin And Implementing Based On AJAX And SOAP

Posted on:2012-01-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330395985191Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With national economy development, the information of library content increasesconstantly.The importance of library becomes more projecting, and the management oflibrary gets heavier especially. While most domestic libraries statistics are executedby several departments separately, without systemized inner, meantime the statisticalterms are not adequate. As a result, there are certain difficulties in statistics of libraryconstruction and service. In order to resolve this series of difficulties, this paperprovides a library statistical platform, which is normative and effective for statisticsof library construction situation and service efficiency.As a statistical platform of library transactions, library statistical systemgeneralizes all kinds of library systems information, and offers a systematic statisticplatform for relative systems, which is highly assembled and compatible, displayingdifferent data of various platforms on it.The project stems from a province library statistical work, using multiple-layerB/S structure and J2EE technology. The system utilizes AJAX and SOAP as keytechnology. AJAX is a research hotspot in Web application. In connection withrelative systems situation and requirement, AJAX introduces asynchronous invokingand provides partial refresh of Web page. Combining HTTP with flexibility andexpansibility of XML, SOAP offers a information exchanging mechanism which isbrief, light weight, structured and categorized. The system makes systems of differentplatforms and programming language communicating actually, improves relativesystems enter-operation, and resolves the data heterogeneous problem.Referring numbers of information systems and using MVC method, this paperimplements library statistical platform system, by utilizing AJAX and SOAPtechnologies, based on J2EE platform.
Keywords/Search Tags:Library Statistical System based, AJAX, SOAP, J2EE, MVC
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