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Enterprise Logistics Management System Interface (HMI) And Database Design

Posted on:2013-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330395974852Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Logistics management systems for enterprises and institutions mainly logisticalmanagement of content design and development work.Logistics management system is a complicated systematic project, which involvesthe computer processing, systems theory, organizational structure, managementfunctions, management expertise and other Technology. The main content is to build asound logistics management system, will make scattered, isolated information summarytreatment to be the information management chain.Logistics management systems for enterprises and institutions mainly composed oftwo parts: Human-machine interface (HMI) and the Back-end database(DATASOURCE). Human-machine interface are business management, including dataentry, E-map search, the curve trend shows, report printing and other maintenancefunctions; database are data archiving, data statistics, data calculation, analysis andmanagement.In accordance with the specific needs of users of the logistics services forunified management, forming a detailed electronic records, to achieve fast and efficientuser management business processing functions.The application of this system greatly improved the operational efficiency oflogistics management, auxiliary enterprises to improve the decision-making level,management level, in order to reduce operating costs, improve efficiency, reduceerromycon, save manpower, improve service quality, and enhance logistics operations toprovide effective technical protection. For enterprises and institutions can achieve withroutine maintenance, fleet operating income and expenditure accounts, propertyintelligent management, online ordering and other functions to work employees.Logistics management to help resolve the problems which the workemycon now facing,easy on the management of logistics operations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Graphical interface design, data model, Logistics management, intellectualized management
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