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Design And Implementation Of ATM Virtual Machine Key Technology

Posted on:2014-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330392960523Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As virtualization technology realize allocation and optimization of resources, more andmore people know its importance made it from theory to practice. For ATM developers thedevelopment process is coding in PC and debugging in ATM. The reality is that we can’tprovide every developer an expense ATM. Usually they use a few in a workgroup. Like so, ifyou want to test and verify, the only way is to wait. So it will waste lots of time here. In orderto solve above problems, this paper proposes a virtual machine by ATM. Through thesimulation of interactive and control interfaces work in application program that are in AMI(ATM Multiple Innovation) to realize run and debug in PC. Therefore it can reduce the testtime in real ATM and improve development efficiency. The main work includes:This paper research the arrangement of service layer based on WCF technology.. Themain thought of WCF is Contract. It realizes by interfaces. The first job to arrange WCF is toformulate contracts. After this, you can start up service and client will use SvcUtil providedby Microsoft SDKs to execute contracts which build into DLL files. And then client can usethese contracts and build client instance in order to use functions in the service. Till now,WCF technology finishes the arrangement of the service layer.The second work is to realize synchronous and nonsynchronous process technology. InATM system, application layer transfers synchronous to read functions in hardware device.For example, transfers AsyncOpen function is to get information of CCAD. Then in ourprogram, we need to virtual this function and return back the value that it needs. Applicationlayer transfers nonsynchronous to send orders to hardware devices. For example, use functionBhAsyncStore is to send connection order. After connected, the hardware device will needcallback function OnBhAsyncStore to notice the application layer. This process applicationlayer will not wait for the reply and can do other things.The third work is to realize sense process technology. In real ATM system, applicationlayer use sense function BhAsyncSense to open the function of hardware sense. It means hardware can notice application layer through by callback function OnBhAsyncSense. So inour software system, we need to send message to notice application layer through by callbackfunction OnBhAsyncSense any time.The fourth work is to realize three virtual process modes (manual, auto and default).Manual is every virtual functions vs a function form. In the form you can set parameters andreturn values and send return values to application layer. Auto is every virtual function vs aXML file. In this file, it sets parameters and return values. When application layer transfers, itreads settings from XML file to application layer directly.Default is every virtual function vsa data file. In the data file, it sets parameters and return values. When application layertransfers, it reads settings back to application layer.In order to confirm the availability and effectiveness of above work, we do massive testand analyze of this software. By using ATM virtual system, ATM developers can replace thereal ATM to debug. It can be more effective, and will not waste waiting time. System runsgood.
Keywords/Search Tags:Software Engineering, ATM, Virtual Machine, Interface Virtual, Function Virtual
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