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Research On Coupled Resonator Induced Transparency In Double-Microring Resonators With Gain

Posted on:2013-10-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H FengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Microring resonators have some significant advantages, such as small dimension, simple structure, feasibility in fabrication and application, etc. Coupled resonator induced transparency (CRIT) can be achieved in microring resonators as electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) is caused by quantum coherent effect. CRIT can be used to realize optical filters and optical delay lines, etc. In this thesis, CRIT in coupled double-ring resonators with gain or loss is analyzed and the conditions of CRIT are summarized. Through comparative analysis on transmission spectra of CRIT in resonators with various structure parameters, the main influencing factors are found. Work in this thesis provides theoretical basis for optimization of microring resonators and improvement of CRIT, and has important significance on shortening design period and controlling cost of real products.
Keywords/Search Tags:optical waveguide, microring resonator, gain, coupled resonator inducedtransparency
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