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Dormitory Comprehensive Business Information Management System Design And Implementation

Posted on:2013-12-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Y LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330374986494Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With our country attaching great importance to vocational education, promotinginformationization construction of teaching resources in vocational education andachieving the management of digitization school has become the important way and thetop agenda to improve the quality of education and to compact the social needs ofeconomic development. The standards of normalization construction in the vocationalcolleges of higher education relatively fall behind, compared with the generaluniversities. But with the aid of our government, the vocational schools have got thesuper exceptional developments. It has made remarkable achievements in the intelligentteaching and informational teaching, such as the generally laying of optical fiber,advanced human resource management system, intelligent deployment of arranginglessons system, teacher-student fingerprints timekeeping system, credit educationaladministrating system and so on. All these systems have greatly increased the officeefficiency and management level.Relative to perfect and advanced teaching informational management system,dormitory informational management is still backward, like the registration andstatistics operated with hands or putting the simple lodging information and files. So itis imperative to establish a series of perfect dormitory informational managementsystems. Its realization becomes an important indicator to evaluate humanistic culture,concept of college management and the exchange from management to service.It isembodied in the realization of human cultural business and whether the concept ofmanagement schools is advanced.This thesis mainly describes the demands of dormitory and its related businessmanagement and combines the modern management concept to establish and build a setof dormitory business informational management system, for realizing the model ofinteractive human dormitory management and the implementation of informationmanagement of the dormitory and its distribution and scheduling, and its managementand share of water and electricity, and the door access management and a set of comprehensive asset management.The thesis can cater to the needs of management in colleges to create a series offunctional modules such as convenient and fast dormitory assignment and distribution.It can also put the concept of human-based management into the interactive functionssuch as students’dormitory maintenance services, idea feedback and community forum,etc. And all these are meaningful and referential for constructing dormitory managementsystem in other vocational colleges.
Keywords/Search Tags:dormitory management, informationization, door access system, interactive
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