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Bank Law Work The Design And Implementation Of Management Information System

Posted on:2013-05-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330374985401Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of network techniques especially the wide use of Webtechniques, the big construction of the infrastructure on network, the urgent demand forthe source of legal knowledge, it has been an urgent task that building the law systemrelating to bank management. Through it, the staff member can take the on line practicetest of legal knowledge, download related files straightforward such as the regulation ofthe bank and the data of legal knowledge etc. The pattern of the popularization of legalknowledge has been turned from the traditional one that take bank internal attorney asit’s central part into the contemporary one that take staff in the bank as it’s central part.In this article, the Java language B/S pattern has been used to design the system. Inorder to decrease the cost of traffic local system is refreshed by AJAX techniques.SQLSERVER database is used to store the data that IN3is designed to decrease theredundant of data and optimize data storage. At last, satisfy the request of techniquedesigning.In order to design the system, firstly, before the system development, it has takinga lot of feasibility analysis to insure that the system is feasible that it can suffice thewhole bank’s popularization of law information. Secondly, consider the demand of thewhole system to obtain the user function of the system mainly about manage theinformation files, online law information popularization and check the grade. At lastdevelop the whole system, Satisfy and improve the current efficiency of bankknowledge popularization, greatly enhance interaction of users and the augmentabilityof the system. Make the popularization of law information from organize the file systemsimply to the development of law information repository, from former method ofclassroom basis popularization to network popularization gradually. Believing that thesystem can satisfy bank’s inner staff usage and popularize the legal knowledge to servethe bank better. The paper hopes that it can give some suggestion to engineers whobuild the system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Banking Law, legal knowledge, Download, practice test, Java EE
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