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The Research On Broadcast Weekly During The Republican Period

Posted on:2013-11-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YangFull Text:PDF
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Broadcast Weekly is not only the first journal of broadcast programme, the first broadcast journal established by the authorities, but also a professional broadcast journal published longest and largest in modern time.Broadcast Weekly emerged under a background of both the policies carried out by the KMT government and the prosperity of the broadcast industry fertilized this kind of journal. Broadcast Weekly emerged on17th sep.1934, and was in the charge of the KMT Central Broadcasting Career Management Office. The initial purpose of establishing this journal is to forecast the time and content of the programmes broadcasted by the Central Broadcasting Station, and to popularize the knowledge of radio. After that, Broadcast Weekly gradually changed into a comprehensive artistic publication, and realized a successful interaction with the Central Broadcasting Station.The development of this journal experienced3stages. First stage: from first published in Sep.1934to Aug.1937, there were150publications and had to cease because the capital of KMT government removed from Nanjing to Chongqing. Second stage:after republished in Chongqing on1st Jan, Broadcast Weekly changed into irregularly scheduled because of ’the difficulties of both published and monetary, and not until Apr.1941it ceased again for ’it was hard to publish because the enemy’s air raid’. In this stage,there were46publications. Third stage: Broadcast Weekly republished in Sep.1946as the KMT government changed the capital back to Nanjing, and used a new counting number. Until KMT withdrew from the mainland to Taiwan in Dec.1948, it finally ceased. In this stage, there were116publications. Each stage is diverse from the others in the idea, programme settle, and main propaganda.The audiences of Broadcast Weekly are mainly from the capital of Nanjing, and from all the nation, and mainly from the east. The readers are from fields of academy, politics, and business. Broadcast Weekly always pays attention to the readers, and tried to integrate the readers and the audiences into one by perfecting the journal. Broadcast Weekly once organized the audience investigation twice in Oct.1934and Sep.1946, and set up some interactive and service columns like Audiences’ Suggestion, Radio Q&A, Audiences’ Questions and Helping Mail, etc. And reformed the programmes of Central Broadcasting Station according to the suggestions given by the readers.Broadcast Weekly not only has the positive effect as propaganda, education, interaction with the broadcast station, service and historical preservation, but also has the negative effect as lack of timeliness and exaggerate and fake propaganda.Broadcast Weekly was very important to the improvement of broadcast research level in this era. Broadcast Weekly has many essays concerns about broadcast research, mainly concentrates on broadcast theory, broadcast operation, and broadcast history. The important results of these researches are as follows. Firstly, broadcast researches extended from technology aspect to cultural industry aspect, and the theoretic results increased. Secondly, the research fields subdivided, which included not only comprehensive research, but also some certain essays about broadcast pronunciation and voice, broadcast language, broadcast programme and so on. Thirdly, there were many researches on domestic and foreign war broadcast, which analysed comprehensively. Fourthly, there were a lot of translations of British and American essays, and introduced foreign broadcast industry widely. People who did broadcast research included radio experts, people in charge of party-run broadcast industry, linguists and journalists. In a word, the researches did by Broadcast Weekly has a wide range, especially the theoretic level of the essays improved a lot in the third stage. But most of the researches just stays at the level of experience summary, lacks of scientific theory, depth, and theoretic innovation. At the same time, Broadcast Weekly has a lot of essays about other media except broadcast and about journalism which has vital historical value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Broadcast Weekly, KMT, broadcast research
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