This thesis is concerned with the delay dependent robustH_∞control for linear systemswith interval time-varying delays, an appropriate type of Lyapunov functional is proposed toinvestigate the problem, use the nature of convex combination and inequality. First, this thesisfocuses on the robustH_∞control for uncertain linear systems with state time delays. Based onthe feasible solutions to linear matrix inequality, the delay dependent stability criterion isdeveloped. Second, this dissertation focuses on the robustH_∞control for a class of uncertainlinear systems with input time delays. By using the feasible solutions to linear matrix inequality,the delay dependent stability criterion is developed. The final conclusion of the text is given inthe form of linear matrix inequalities; use the nature of convex combination avoids theintroduction of the free-weighting matrix, there by significantly reducing the computationalburden. In what follows, the whole work is summarized, and the filed of the future research isindicated. |