Database real-time backup attracts much attentions as a database disaster backup technology.Thereal-time backup basesd on log files analyses the redo records of log files in Oracledatabase,transforms the changes performed on database into data manipulation language statementsand data definition language statements, reserves them in a backup file to prevent data loss.Aconstruction of real-time backup and recovery system is proposed based on Oracle streams by thisthesis.This proposal uses the thought of streams replication,configures a capture proceeding in adatabase to capture changes of the database automatically from redo log files,saves these changes inan advanced queue.An apply process in the database dequeues the changes,transforms them into SQLstatements,then writes them into backup files.In addition,a role-based access control strategy forbackup files is proposed by this thesis to protect data in files from data destruction and data loss.Anyrequest for reading,writing and renaming must be evaluated by the file access control rules.If therequest satisfies the rule requirements,it is allowed to access files.Besides,the database real-timebackup and restore system constructed in the thesis can backup all the actions performed in thedatabase after the last successful backup in theory.At the last,some test cases are presented to testfunctions of the real-time backup and recovery system that constructed in Linux environment. |