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Tiananmen Urban Law Enforcement Management System Design And Implentation

Posted on:2013-10-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B ShaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330362464570Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a maintainer and manager of tourism environment for Tiananmen Squaredistrict, Tiananmen Square Urban Management Branch Office (hereafter "TSUMBO")faces the challenge from illegal activities, such as unlicensed peddlery, illegal tourismadvertising, unlicensed motorcycle taxiing and unlicensed tourist guide, etc. In orderto improve working efficiency and the ability of law enforcement data collection andanalysis, and to build office automation system, TSUMBO is planning to construct alaw enforcement management system to provide an overall guidance and assistance today to day work by taking use of information technology tools. The design andimplementation of the system focus on requirements analysis, system design, systemimplementation and other significant issues. By applying basic principles of softwareengineering, we complete the work of system research and development. This paperstarts from the study of e-government, and further analyzes in depth the requirementon the system and summarizes problems to be solved. When the overall designobjectives are in place, it provides a detailed design for system overall architecture,government affairs modeling, workflow, database and data collection and analysis oninternal office and law enforcement affairs, image comparison and other functions.The work of system development and implementation is completed by establishmentof workflow based on design solution. Extraction of facial geometry features is usedfor image comparison. LAN provides a rapid and accurate way to collect lawenforcement data and to present them with graphics. Management of law enforcementdata is automated. By the study of this paper, we complete the requirement analysisand design implementation for network OA subsystem, law enforcement informationlog subsystem, image comparison subsystem and foundational log subsystem.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban management law enforcement, management system, design, imagecomparison
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