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TheInvestigationof The Supplementation Of"Exercises For An Hour Every Day"in Chong Qing Middle School And Elementary School

Posted on:2014-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330398984147Subject:Humanities and sociology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Adolescent health quality is the foundation of the healthy ethical quality, contemporary society increasingly fierce competition, high-quality talent’s physical health is the fundamental guarantee of social development and national greatness. For a long time, due to the influence of the traditional education system, primary and middle school students’physical health level in our country serious decline, is very worrying, caused the party and government attach great importance to. Parts of this paper, taking chongqing middle school school and ChuZhongBu implement\"exercise an hour every day\" sports activity as the research object. Extract the yuzhong district, beibei, GeChuanShi, economi, FengDouXian, TongLiangXian six districts, each district extraction middle school and primary school a4, a total of48schools,63primary school teachers, high school teachers,65;1154students, primary competitions ChuZhongZu study of642people, Gao Zhongzu student613people. Shall have the literature material law, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics, logic analysis and other methods, the results are as follows:1.Primary and secondary school physical education in chongqing. From overall, primary and secondary school classes in chongqing situation is relatively good, mostly students reaction was carried out in accordance with the standard offer physical education school, from grade school, and as grade rise, according to the standard classes are reduced, as you can see, because of the pressure of enters a higher school, significantly affect the sports classes according to the standard. Primary sections, ChuZhongZu Gao Zhongzu three group of teachers in physical education teaching content choice there is no much difference, mainly concentrated in the track and field, ball games, health education above three categories, and water projects, emerging sports project and national folk sports in primary and middle schools in chongqing accounted for the proportion of smaller in physical education teaching, suggests that these projects in the development of primary and middle schools in chongqing remains to be strengthened, also may be associated with regional and school facilities. Primary sections is given priority to with class grouping, ChuZhongZu is given priority to with class, and gender, Gao Zhongzu is given priority to with gender, from the perspective on the organizational form, it can be seen as the change of grade, originally in the form of class teaching organization cannot meet the needs of senior students, to the senior students of physical education curriculum teaching should be according to the notice to distinguish gender. Primary sections students more like PE class, secondary students don’t like PE class, Gao Zhongzu like sport more outstanding student.2.The lesson hold implementation of primary and secondary schools in chongqing. Overall, primary and middle schools in chongqing every day to arrange the lesson hold the proportion is less, sometimes arrangements sometimes not arranged at most. Elementary school, ChuZhongZu lesson hold the main content of provisions for broadcast gymnastics, Gao Zhongzu for editing the broadcast gymnastics. Primary sections mainly10-20minutes lesson hold time, ChuZhongZu mainly10.01-30minutes, Gao Zhongzu major is10.01for30minutes. Primary sections of the lesson hold attitude is also not too too like don’t like, ChuZhongZu students don’t like like, excess Gao Zhongzu don’t like the large proportion of students, can be seen from the table, and as grade rise, to the extent of the lesson hold like reduced.3.Chongqing big recess of primary and secondary schools sports activity. Overall, the primary sections arranged on time more, ChuZhongZu on time schedule and arrange ratio is sometimes, without Gao Zhongzu arrange big recess is more, you can see from the above investigation, with the increase of grade big recess time is reduced. Big primary competitions between sports activities are mainly composed of badminton, table tennis, wushu, ChuZhongZu mainly basketball, badminton, aerobics, Gao Zhongzu is given priority to with basketball, aerobics, as you can see, with the increase of grade, large recess confrontational sports activities and expressive gradually increase. We also learn that from the survey, with the improvement of grade, gender differentiation is gradually obvious. To Gao Zhongzu. boys basketball, girls aerobics became the biggest two rival projects Gao Zhongzu grouping. Big recess primary competitions sports time is10to30minutes, ChuZhongZu big recess time sports activities mainly for30.1to60minutes, Gao Zhongzu big recess sports activities mainly for10to30minutes. Students generally like primary competitions, like the number of students is more, ChuZhongZu like, I don’t like the big gap between the students, the students like and don’t like the average Gao Zhongzu occupied larger proportion.4.Chongqing city elementary and middle schools extracurricular sports activity. Overall, primary sections students extracurricular sports activities, roller skating, badminton, table tennis, martial arts project is given priority to, ChuZhongZu students extracurricular sports activities is given priority to with basketball, badminton, Gao Zhongzu students extracurricular sports activities is given priority to with basketball, gymnastics, soccer, tennis. Primary sections teachers main organization form of extra-curricular sports activities mainly is according to class grouping, grouped by interest groups, according to sex, ChuZhongZu main organization form for physical education teachers in extracurricular sports activities interest group group, sex, class grouping; Gao Zhongzu organization form of physical education teachers ex-curricular sports activities mainly by grouping interest groups and gender groups. Primary sections of extra-curricular sports activities mainly10to60minutes time, ChuZhongZu is given priority to with10-90minutes, Gao Zhongzu is given priority to with10to60minutes. Primary sections, ChuZhongZu, frequency of Gao Zhongzu3set of extracurricular sports activities mainly for1-4times a week. Primary competitions like the number of extra-curricular sports activities is more, ChuZhongZu to like, they like to, I don’t like, there are three sets of Numbers Gao Zhongzu in general there are like, I don’t like Numbers.5.Primary and secondary school students in chongqing exercise restriction factor. Students feel mainly affect their physical exercise is the primary competitions are afraid injured, location equipment is insufficient, lack of participation interest, parents is not enough to support; ChuZhongZu students think affect their physical exercise is the lack of space equipment, don’t have like project, lack of sports guidance, lack of participation in time, not enough support for parents; Gao Zhongzu students thought mainly affects their physical exercise is the lack of participation in time, insufficient school leaders attach importance to and space equipment, not like the project, parents is not enough support. Look from the project, location equipment is insufficient, not like the project, not enough support for parents is the primary competitions, ChuZhongZu, Gao Zhongzu reflected three groups are the main cause of the influence of the physical exercise. Primary sections of teachers think that the main factors influencing the elementary school students to participate in physical exercise is shorthanded, the lack of space equipment organization activity, fear of injury for middle school students, school leadership seriously enough, the students lack of interest; ChuZhongZu teachers think that the main factors influencing the elementary school students to participate in physical exercise is the lack of space equipment, students’ parents don’t have the time, not enough support, organized activities are understaffed, fear of injury; Gao Zhongzu teachers think that the main factors influencing the elementary school students to participate in physical exercise is the students have no time, lack of space equipment, students’parents, insufficient support, school leadership attaches great importance to the shorthanded, organize activities. Look from the project, organizing manpower is not enough, lack of space equipment is primary school, middle school, high school teacher three group were reflected in the main factors influencing the students take part in physical exercise.And suggested to strengthen teachers team construction; Improve school location equipment conditions; Special projects to improve students’ interest.
Keywords/Search Tags:chongqing city, Primary and secondary schools, Exercise an hourevery day
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