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The Establishment Of Locomotion Subtest Norm For Children Of3to10Years Old In Jinan

Posted on:2014-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330398958650Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Human action, as a major approach to adapt to the environment, plays animportant role in the process of individual survival and development. Motordevelopment spans the whole life, which constitutes an important field of humandevelopment. Gross motor involving the performance of trunk, limbs and other largemuscle groups is the earliest acquired skill in the growth and development of children,which also plays a key role in their cognitive and emotional cultivation. With grossmotor development, the cognitive structure of children is constantly reorganized andreconstructed, providing them with experience, expanding their scope of knowledge,giving them more opportunities to contact with the outside world, and graduallyshaping their ability to identify the essence of things. Active participation in sportscan not only promote the physical health development of children, but also facilitatethe building of their self-esteem and self-confidence, thus laying a solid foundationfor the concept of lifelong sport. Therefore, focus on gross motor development froman early age plays an important role in promoting a healthy physical andpsychological growth for children.The Test of Gross Motor Development Second Edition (TGMD-2for short), iscomposed of locomotion subtest and object control subtest, designed to assess thegross motor development of children from3to10years old. TGMD-2has proved tobe reliable and valid against various cultural backgrounds. Based on previous studies,this paper tested the reliability and validity of TGMD-2locomotion subtest, andestablished the locomotion subtest for children of3to10years old in Jinan.Results analysis:1. Item analysis:(1) Item difficulty: hop is the most difficult while run is the leastdifficult. The difficulty of six motions ranges0.558-0.933, and the difficulty of locomotion subtest is0.78;(2) Item discrimination: the discrimination index of sixmotions ranges0.370-0.697, and the discrimination of locomotion subtest is0.38.2. Reliability test:(1) Inter-rater reliability: inter-rater reliability coefficients of sixmotions are0.858-0.933, while the locomotion correlation coefficient is0.863;(2)Homogeneity reliability: internal consistency reliability to test different motionsranges0.851-0.933, the internal consistency reliability coefficient of different gendersis between0.881-0.876, and the internal consistency reliability coefficient of differentages is between0.744-0.807;(3) Retest reliability: the correlation coefficient of sixmotions are0.845-0.937and the correlation coefficient of the entire subtest is0.938,.3Validity test:(1) Content validity: the correlation between test motions is0.262-0.605, and the relationship between test motions and displacement test is0.556-0.869, indicating that the sub-test motions are correlated to a medium degree.(2)Structure validity: based on principal component analysis, factor analysis is conductedon the six subtest motions. One common factor is extracted, with eigenvalue of3.462,and cumulation contribution rate of57.758%. All six motions are on this commonfactor, indicating a good structure validity of the rating scale.(3) Criterion validity:Comparison of student locomotion test scores and physical education test scoressuggests the criterion validity is good. In summary, the locomotion subtest has a goodvalidity.Conclusion:1. The locomotion subtest has a good reliability according to inter-rater reliability,homogeneity reliability, and retest reliability.2. The locomotion subtest has a good validity according to content validity, structurevalidity, and criterion validity.3. Establish norm of TGMD subtest for children of3to10years old in Jinan.
Keywords/Search Tags:TGMD, Locomotion subtest, Jinan Norm
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