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A Study Of PEP-based And PP-based Inquiry In History Activity Course In Middle School

Posted on:2014-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S M JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330398499452Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is well known that the exploration of history activities is one of theinnovations in New History Curriculum. However, classes of this kind are paid lessattention to in most high schools. To our delight, there are some outstandingeducators and teachers who have come to realize it and attempted to change it forthe better by carrying out research into this field and at the same time doing someempirical work. So impressive is their work that the author intends to follow theirsuit by combining his research with their experience on the materials of PEP editionand PP edition.The two versions (PEP,2007&PP2009) both have advantages anddisadvantages. In the PEP edition, activities are properly arranged, paying attentionto the consistency and integrity of the topic. Its disadvantages are as follows: firstly,the quantity is limited, for there is only one activity in each book; secondly, the topicsof are too broad to grasp; thirdly, the page layouts are boring, as a result, it is difficultto stimulate students interest in reading; fourthly, it is lacking in a practical evaluationstandard. These drawbacks above greatly reduce the operability of PEP activity,making it difficult to reach the target. Meanwhile, the PP edition is superior to thePEP in its abundant and lively activities. However, the activities are set at the end ofeach book, thus, the timing and integrity of knowledge system are broken,bothering the teachers and students. In addition, the wordy layout and lack ofnovelty can’t appeal to students.In view of the problems above, the author puts forward some correspondingsuggestions. For example, the PEP should add its activities, narrow its horizons, andbeautify its appearance. In all, it should correspond with the students readingpsychology. At the same time, the PP edition is supposed to place the activity coursein the units, what’s more, the activities can’t be divorced from reality. From thecontent and form, the edition should embody the curriculum standards as well asmeet teachers’ and students’ examination needs.In the activities of the two editions, the author mainly discussed how to set targets, how to enhance the participation of students, and how to position theteachers. On the basis of junior and senior school teachers developing historyactivities, the author proposed that we should strengthen the teaching process ofactivities, normative teaching structure, as well as corresponding measures. Anevaluation plan is also put forward for high school history activity. It is designed tocompensate for the lack of evaluation process in history textbooks, and to provide areference for the teachers. In this paper, through some teaching examples, operationessentials, implementation strategies and attentions are referred to, for instance, theteacher’s familiarity with the books is the premise, utilizing the teaching materials isthe principle, student-centered activities is the key and the inquiry ability onhistorical data should be trained, etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:high school history, history extracurricular activities, textbooks
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