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Language Teaching Research Highlights Preschool Teacher Professional Characteristics In The Preschool Teacher Professional

Posted on:2014-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J NieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330398487745Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Preschool education with the development of the society, more and more get the attentionof people, which gave rise to the preschool teacher has brought the secondary vocationalschool teachers professional enrollment expansion, society needs a large number of highlyqualified staff, in staff training, so need to be targeted in the process of their learning ofvocational training. Preschool teacher professional Chinese language teaching, this articlefocuses on classroo m school to research and analyze the problems, and actively exploreeffective teaching mode, to prompt for junior college students of preschool teacherprofessional students is better training, comprehensive development of professional quality,become a qualified early childhood education teachers.This thesis is divided into four chapters. First chapter is the introduction, elaborated theresearch present situation, emphasizes the purpose and significance of the research, andsimply introduces the research method and content. The second chapter, from the perspectiveof preschool teachers own development and analysis of the importance of the teachers to learnthe language, and through the questionnaire survey, summarized the language ability andliteracy, teachers need for later research direction and goal. Chapter3summarizes teachersnow problems in Chinese teaching, from the perspectives of teaching and the student twoaspects. Chapter iv in combination with teaching practice, in view of the problems revealed inthe second chapter, explore the effective classroom teaching mode, including the applicationprinciple and the improvement of teaching methods, to improve Chinese teaching effect,highlighted in the Chinese language teaching in teachers preschool teacher professionalcharacteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:For junior college students, Preschool teacher, Professional characteristics, Chinese language teaching
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