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The Instructional Design And Implementation Of High School History

Posted on:2014-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, studies related to the design of the teaching of historyhave matured. Instructional design, as an important part of secondary schoolhistory teaching, is a planned program that transfers teaching theoreticalprinciples into specific teaching activities and a systematic process. Forteachers, how to do instructional teaching effectively is the important issuethat contemporary history teachers have to deal with as well as the mostimportant part in the teaching of history.Scientific instructional design not only reflects the new curriculum thatregards students as the main concept, but also corresponds with the thematicmodules form of textbooks. The writer takes the first unit of the third lessonThe Maturity of Ancient Political System in the Yuelu version of a highschool history textbook as an example, doing the instructional teachingsystematically and the implementation in the classroom. Combining theknowledge of educational theories with specific high school history teaching,the writer makes efforts to breakthrough the “lesson plan” model in theinstructional design and tries to presents a complete instructional design. Atthe same time, the writer will sets forth and presents the specific aspects andthe design intent in the instructional design. Through the teaching reflection,the writer will revise and improve the teaching design in order to achieve thegood teaching effect and plan of instructional design with distinctive features.There are five parts in the article. In the preface, the significant of research,the development of instructional design and research trends of domesticinstructional design related to high school history teaching will be introduced.The first part is to introduce the basic theories of instructional design, conceptand features of instructional design and summary of specific aspects related toinstructional design. The second part is the design aspect before class,analyzing curriculum standards, teaching content and learning situation aswell as designing teaching objectives and important and difficult points. The third part is the specific instructional design and implementary plans in classas well as the illustration of the specific design aspects of the appropriatedesign concept. The fourth part is the teaching feedback after class, throughthe effective evaluation of teaching and teaching reflection to modifyinstructional design program.Nowadays, quality education is fully implemented, should have theawareness of innovation and pioneering spirit. In the future of the teachingwork, the history teacher should make continuous efforts, learn in order topractice, put the real implementation of the new curriculum ideas into practiceand strive to achieve breakthrough and innovation in the future of the teachingwork.
Keywords/Search Tags:high school history curriculum, instructional design, implementation
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