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High School Mathematics Open Assignments Exploring Research

Posted on:2014-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F MengFull Text:PDF
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Math homework, an important link in the teaching of mathematics, isan important way for students to consolidate the knowledge. At the sametime, it serves as an important reflection of students’ learning to theteacher, which as a result acts as an important way of communicationbetween teachers and students. Good design of math homework can not onlyhelp students develop good study habits, increase students’ interest inlearning mathematics, but also broaden students’ mathematical horizonsas well as develop students’ innovation, cooperation, practice,self-learning. However, under the influence of the exam-orientededucation, homework did not play its due role, and even in some cases itis largely ignored, which brought about some shortcomings both in formand in correction and those in turn greatly affected the teaching andlearning quality.Having collected relevant data and made investigation of studentsand teachers about related issues, the writer analyses the problem in thepattern of math homework and has found the theory for optional homework.Then, the concept, the principal and the implement of this new form ofmath homework has been systematically studied and compared with otherforms in this paper.Questionnaires and interviews with teachers of students about thepresent homework pattern show the following problems: too much repeatedhomework with no layers, more unity than selectivity, moreexamination-oriented homework than life-centered and more attention paidto the result rather than process. The main theories for optional homeworkare the multiple intelligence theory, which stresses the differences inlearning, the autonomy and difference in the form of homework and varietyof correction; the constructivist theory, which holds that learners areactive in working together to build up knowledge and that homework should be related to life through activities and fusion operation;and moderncognitive learning theory,which attaches the importance to the activelearning of learners, and under this theory the students should changebe “I want to learn” instead of “I am asked to learn” and also thefun and creativity of homework are empathized.In order to verify the effect of optional homework, the authorexperimented in teaching with the students divided into experimentalgroup assigned optional homework and contrast group traditional group.In the experiment, the implementation of optional homework is mainlyachieved through the changes of the types and the ways of evaluation ofhomework. In the process, the author fully realizes the diversity ofoptional homework so that students’ individual differences and interestsare shown to the largest degree. Based on students’ performance, theauthor got the advantages of each type of that work, and then put forwardsome feasible operation cases. The changes to the present evaluation modelhelp realize the diversity and diversification of evaluation. Theflexible use of different kinds of evaluation has made such full use ofthe inspiration and direction of homework evaluation that students’interest in maths is strengthened. In this a-whole-term-long experiment,the author has collected and analyzed the data from exam and interview,based on which drew a conclusion that optional homework can reducestudents’ burden in a certain extent. As a result, their interest hasbeen enhanced, knowledge expanded and comprehensive ability developed.So we can say optional homework is much closer to the requirements ofquality education.Of course, because of the limited level of the author, some defectsin this research are unavoidable, so further research will be on.
Keywords/Search Tags:The attentive research on optional maths, homework in senior highschool
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