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Research On The Change Of The Classical Chinese Learning Highschool

Posted on:2013-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X CheFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330395972710Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Language is the foundation of Chinese culture, language learning, students mustnot only learn the knowledge, but also learn a culture, an attitude toward life.Classical is the essence of traditional Chinese culture, and language learning content.However, due to space and time far removed from our lives, students generallyreflected in the study of classical hindered greatly. Many students interested inclassical learning useless, or even ignore the importance of the classical. Stronginvasion of Western culture today, students can easily get lost in the rough tide ofcultural self. Recognize the importance of learning classical Chinese, there are stillmany students can not find a practical way of learning, learning inefficiencies. Withthe development of the times, the voice of the changes in classical learning. Weappeal to arouse students ’mother tongue of flesh and blood family, and to stimulatestudents’ interest in learning on the classical, to take an effective way to learn classical.The main content of this paper is how to change the classical learning. First, theclassical Chinese learning styles and the status quo. Understanding of classicallearning the status quo, and then the data collation, analysis of the pros and cons ofthe existing way through the questionnaire method.Secondly, from the changes inteaching methods, change materials presentation, several aspects of development anduse of curriculum resources, analysis, annotation before the class-class exchange-after-school reflection "approach to learning the implementation of the premise. Third,autonomy, cooperation, explore the three aspects, combined with teacher class theinstance of the annotation before the class-AC-after-school reflection "classicallearning in the classroom. Finally, the excellent teacher case studies. Through analysisof examples of outstanding teachers teaching experience annotation before the class-class exchange-after-school reflection "approach to learning application.
Keywords/Search Tags:classical learning, lessons after-school, reflection annotation, classexchange
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