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On Interaction Between Principal And Teacher

Posted on:2013-09-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330395966509Subject:Pre-primary Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A core issue in modern management is how to deal with the relationshipbetween people. The management activities is a bilateral interaction processbetween leader and leader, in the kindergarten management, it mainly refersto the interaction between the principal and teachers.The kindergarten management in our country is principal responsibilitysystem; the principal is a kindergarten leader, who has overall responsibilityfor the work of kindergarten. The principal must coordination with the higherauthorities and the faculty. Visibly, the exchanges are an important aspect ofthe principal management. Teachers are the main human resources and worksubject in kindergarten, the level of quality of work and tasks of the pros andcons depending on the teachers, so how to deal with the superior-subordinaterelationship and how to mobilize the work enthusiasm of the teachers is thefocus of principal management. In kindergarten management activities, therelationship between the principal and the teacher is both social interactionsand general interpersonal exchanges, in addition to the general interpersonalinteraction characteristics, but also its own uniqueness. But regardless ofwhich kinds of relations between them, they all become true interact witheach other. Therefore, this paper looks at the interaction between the principaland teachers, to provide a new perspective to the principal managementperformance enhancement to the adoption of the principal and teacherexchanges.This study used documents, questionnaire and interview survey, combinedwith existing research, selected60principal of Hohhot (including the viceprincipal and director of the Paul taught) and180teachers (including theeducated members and caregivers) to investigate, preparation questionnaire(principal questionnaires and teacher questionnaires), covering therelationship between the principal and teachers,the interactive status, effect, expectations, and make in-depth interviews with some of principals andteachers as supplementary to the relevant issues.In this study, we found that the interaction between the principal and theteachers showed the following characteristics: the principal and teachers onthe interaction between different feelings, the principal of a more positive,optimistic, and the trust is the basis of the interaction, the teachers feelnegative, passive, will be understood as an interactive basis; principal play aimportant roles in the interaction; and the principal is the main initiator ofinteraction; the principal relating to the business, child care, parents, teachersmainly involved in the business, private, powers and responsibilities of theinterests of the problem rather monotonous; principal and teachers interact,mainly for meetings and a separate conversation; principal and teachers cangain through interaction.In the study, we found the factors affecting the principal and teacherinteraction is mainly reflected in two major aspects of both the subject andtheir environment, whereby, in order to better achieve the interaction betweenthe principal and teachers, this paper presents some principles: democracy,people-oriented, emotional, and the principle of consensus and diversity, aswell as from the interaction of the five dimensions-dimensions, depth,breadth, frequency and intensity measure principal and teacher interactionstate. Based on the combination of preliminary studies, I focus on how to playthe leading role of the principal in the interaction of a number ofrecommendations for improvement: establish a correct concept; theestablishment of democracy and equality interactive relationship; increasedinteraction with the teachers’ bargaining chip; to improve the park within theenvironment. the author’s advice to the teacher is: to overcome role barriers,enhance communication skills, and to obey but does not follow blindly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Principal, Teacher, Interaction
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