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Research On Internet Addiction Intervention Under Strengths Perspective

Posted on:2014-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330395495542Subject:Social work
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The prevalence of the network not only brought the convenience of life, but also with its comes with internet addiction behavior.Internet addiction is not just produce for their personal physical and psychological harm, the same for their family. The behavior of network addictive is so worrying, more and more areas and scholars began to focus on the network addiction research. The different fields make a different interpretation for addiction behavior, and proposed different interventions, but there are many studies based on problem and pathological perspective on addiction behavior and many means of treatment for Internet addiction. The relationship between social worker and client is expert and recipient. Social workers play a role in expert and authority. However, contrast with other perspectives of theory, the invention of Strengths perspective on network addiction behavior focus on the Strengths of personal,his family and surroundings environment of his living, but not the issue from the client suffered. During of cooperation,social workers and client in a cooperative manner explore the Strengths of client’s personality traits, excellent quality, experienced difficulties and painful process to get the experience, identify the source from the living surroundings that can give client support and resource Strengths, using these Strengths of resources inspires the client’s power of changes, rather than the causes of the problem, but focus into future possibilities, to stimulate the development of this possibility, thereby promoting the client to change, to grow, to be responsible for their own future.This paper is divided into four parts:First of all, explain the background of the paper and research methods, and review of the literature. The introduction of research on adiction behaviors on internet reveals the necessity and urgency about treatment of behavior of internet addiction. Through the review of studies of other treatment methods to understand the emphasis of other theoretical perspectives, lead to the necessity of Strengths Perspective on internet addiction intervention.Secondly, introduce to the basic ideas Strengths Perspective, practice principles, the content of evaluate and the basic idea of Strengths Perspective about invention of internet addiction. By understanding the Strengths Perspective, to grasp the basic principles and attentions in practice when citing Strengths Perspective, and reduce the possible difficulties in practice.Thirdly, introduce the practice process of dominant perspective of Internet Addiction through a Specific network addicts. Including establish relationship with the client summarize the Strengths of the client, make a plan for the client, provide service for clients, help clients keep away from indulging in network.Last but not the least, analyze the suitability of Strengths Perspective on Internet Addiction Intervention, also provide a reference for the development of the strengths perspective of localization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Strengths Perspective, Superior Rresources, InterventionsInternet Addiction Disorder
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