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The Sociological Study On The Immigration Towards Japan From Fangzheng Town

Posted on:2013-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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Fangzheng town set a monument for Japanese in July2011, which gave rise to general criticism and attracted the public attention. The reason why this event brought public attention is that, on the one hand, it stimulated the national mood, on the other hand, the Fangzheng town does have complicated relationship with Japan. This paper starts with this monument setting event and the history of aggression, then describes the main ways, process of the immigration to make more people know about the truth of the Fangzheng town.Fangzheng town lies in the southeastern part of Heilongjiang province, with a small population of23million, yet nearly40,000of them have immigrated towards Japan in various ways, which makes the town quite famous in the northeast of China. When Japan surrendered in1945, local people adopted a lot of Japanese orphans and women abandoned by war. After the normalization of diplomacy between China and Japan, the orphans and women could get back to Japan. As the same time, the Chinese relatives of the orphans got the opportunities to immigrate to Japan, and the tide of immigration still last. That is the reason why there are so many immigramants in the town.With the literature study, survey and interview, this paper firstly gives the discription of the ways, process of the immigration, the occupation and quantity of the immigrants. Secondly, based on the international immigration theory, the paper will give the reason why the people immigrated. Thirdly, the paper studies both positive and negative influences caused by the immigration.This paper is divided into three sections. The first section is about the Japanese aggression towards Northeast China in the early twentieth century, the historical backgroud of the Japanese development group, the adoption of orphans and women abandoned by Japan army after the surrender in1945, and the process of immigration to Japan after the diplomatic normalization. The second part is the key of the paper, firstly it gives the discription of the quantity, age, occupation, gender composition and regional distribution of the immigrants from Fangzheng town. secondly, based on the international immigration theory, such as new economic migrants theory, labor markets segmentation theory, habit theory and immigration culture theory, the paper will give the reason why the people in Fangzheng town immigrated. Thirdly, after the analysis of the former two sections, the paper studies both positive and negative influences towards Fangzheng town caused by the immigration, the promotion of economic and cultural exchanges, the increased income inenquality, the deterioration of the morality, the social problem caused by transnational marriage are all included. In conclusion, the immigration shoud be well guided by the local government to avoid the blind immigration and the deterioration of the morality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fangzheng town, Japanese orphants, immigrants
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