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The Current Situation And Countermeasure Of The Amateur Tennis Events In Qingdao

Posted on:2013-10-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330377452821Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the country’s economy and thefurther progress of national fitness campaign, tennis, a kind of sportcombined by fitness, fashion and leisure, has been developing rapidly inChina while it’s becoming popular among more and more people. Being thecentre of Shandong Peninsula blue economic zone, Qingdao is one of thebest cities which develops the national fitness campaign well. However,there are still some disparities by comparing with cities which have beendeveloping tennis for a long time and the average level of Qingdao’s iscomparatively low. According to some analysis of relative documents, noneof them has done in-depth studies of the current situation of Qingdao’stennis progress. Therefore, it’s necessary to do research about it in adeep-going way before setting down the overall planning of Qingdao’stennis plan, so that we can figure out the factors which restrict theadvance of the events and give specific suggestions and countermeasuresagainst the issues.This article studies about the progress of Qingdao’s tennis eventsby applying literature consultation, questionnaire, field survey,interviews, mathematical statistics and logical analysis in order to getan accurate conclusion. According to the analysis, Qingdao’s tennis isat its primary stage due to the lack of relative publicity and incompletelaws and regulations on it. What’s more, the government and interrelateddepartments are not paying enough attention towards tennis while theefficiency of the system isn’t high enough which lead to the decline ofits adjustment function. At the same time, tennis associations are notrunning effectively due to their incompleteness. The feature of urban-tennis population shows that most tennis lovers are well-educatedpeople accompanied by the number of people of male is much higher thanthat of female. It mainly concentrates on college and university studentsand high-income groups. However, regional differences are significantwhile the south part of the city is developing better than the other sideswhatever the number of fields or the population. The purposes of peopleattending tennis events are often aimed at making friends, improve theirbodies and entertain themselves which fits the pattern and value of tennis.The majority of tennis lovers exercise no less than twice per week whilemore than30minutes per time which reveals that they are really interestedin taking part in tennis. In the urban areas, there are not many tenniscourts and they are in uneven distributions accompanied by the bad-qualityequipments and conditions. The lack of complete tennis competition systemleads to the low levels of the size of games, the amount of competitionsheld and the standard of the contests. College and universities areplaying an essential role in the development of amateur urban tennisevents while the PE majors’ influence is especially substantial.Unfortunately, the managers of universities are not paying enoughattention towards the sport and the lack of coach and facilities is veryobvious. In the meanwhile, specific trainings for teenagers areinsufficient due to the substandard instructors and few matches. Even more,there are no long-term tennis training institutions in urban areas whilethe existing organizations are not applying publicities andadvertisements. The main reasons influencing the progress of Qingdao’stennis events are: the supports and attention of the government andrelative departments, the living standards of the citizens and theirconsumer attitudes, the number and quality of tennis courts as well asthe training-institutions and the ability of the instructors. According to the current situation and the influencing factors, thisarticle suggests the following countermeasures. The most essential methodis to complete the amateur tennis management system while at the same timeemphasize the importance of publicity. Building up the courts andfacilities quickly while increasing the efficiency of utilization is thebasic requirement. Secondly, improve the completeness of amateur tenniscompetition system as well as long-term institutions to order to form aplatform for all people to participate. What’s more, launching programsof tennis in universities can complete the development system of tenniswhile combing with education in order to promote youth tennis projects.At last but not the least, we should speed up the tennis marketing processin order to promote the industrialization development mode.In conclusion, the study analysis the current situation of Qingdao’stennis development on the base of combination of theory and practical dataand provides scientific theoretical evidence for its further development.Simultaneously provides feasibility proposal and reference precautionsin order to let Qingdao’s amateur tennis events develop orderly,continuously and healthily. Of all, the study which available advice torelative departments to achieve perfect management and predicting thetrend of the progress of tennis.Of all, the study which has some practicalsignificance provides available advice to relative departments to achieveperfect management and predicting the trend of the progress of tennis inQingdao.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qingdao, amateur tennis, current situation, countermeasure
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