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Innovation And Adhesion: The International Comparative Study Of University Administration

Posted on:2013-04-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L DuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330374951963Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ortega Y.Gasset the famous Spanish educator, referred in his Mission of theUniversity: if the reform of the university is only limited in correcting the laziness andhaste of the universities, the reform itself will be unavoidable perfunctory. The importantthing is that universities should have new understandings of their mission, and make theuniversity activities be truly powerful. So, in accordance with the problems occurred in theprocess of the reform of the university administrative system nowadays in our country, if weconfined in correcting the problems and disadvantages of the university administrativesystem, the result would also be very haste. It is apparent that this kind of meaninglessdiscussion is of no good to our universities. The academia should keep their eyes open, anddirect the reform of the university administration from the theoretical aspects. We need toget a new understanding of the university administration, to respect its laws of historicaldevelopment, its nature, and its mission.Everything has its own law of development. If any university administration, anynation, and even any society want to impose his will on universities, it must be innovativeand adhered. It will lead to the administrative roads if you intervene and manage fullyaccording to the will of the party and the contingency of the leaders. Throughout thehistorical development of the university administration and compare the adjustments andreforms of different countries′university administration, it is not difficult for us to find thatthe reform and innovation of university administration is build up upon such a premise thatwe should adhere to the historical logic of university administration to ensure the academicdevelopment and the autonomy sprit of the universities. This is also the important reasonwhy universities can exist hundreds of years and why they are increasingly becoming theimportant part of the society.Therefore, this research discussed what the university administration is and what itshould be from the academic point of view. This is also a problem directly bound up withthe reform of the university administrative system. At the same time, the university administrative systems of different countries were compared without the limitation ofimitating the model and learning experience. The study recognized the essence of theadministrative system in other countries’ universities and the main line of the reform. Thestudy really respects the historical development of the university administration, nature andmission. Then it can provide directions and suggestions for creating universityadministrative system with Chinese characteristics of socialism.
Keywords/Search Tags:innovation, adhesion, university administration, international comparison
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