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Higher Education In China’s Soft Power To Enhance Research

Posted on:2013-06-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z G ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330374951571Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The competition between the countries has the tendency of hard power towards soft power, which the former depend on traditional military and resources, the latter rely on Economy, science and technology. All the competition depend on the core resources:humans. Higher education is the key of cultivating talents, it’s quality and system are directly related to the personnel training, even the competitiveness between the international talents. We could research the soft power of higher education from the ecological angle. Comprehensive consideration the factors of system environment, training system, international environment, value orientation, rational tool and university personality, take these into the talent cultivation system and university’s own development, formating the value concept of universal significance.China’s higher education soft power development has the weakness of congenital deficiency and acquired malformation, bur also has the strength of unique advantage resources. Feudal ideological imprison the academic freedom, too much learning of foreign let our higher eduction appearing the characters of convergence and functionalization, during the pursuing of instrumental rational, we have ignored the value reason. Besides, Confucianism provides a breakthrough of the western values dilemma. If we can properly fusion Chinese traditional culture and the modern western civilization, we will provide a new starting point of culture for human civilization.Promoting chinese higher education’s soft power, we must review the developing direction from the Angle of strategy, insist proper principles, realize the combining of instrumental rational, value rational and behavior rational, advocate the humane spirit of democracy and liberty, equality and fraternity, form with a strong international discourse and the pervasive influence of the soft strength.
Keywords/Search Tags:Higher education, Soft power, Ecology, College spirit
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