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University Athletic Culture Lost Phenomenon

Posted on:2013-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330374490126Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
To accelerate the process of the market, commercialization of the sport culture ofthe many unreasonable phenomena, such as: the athletes in the game to conceal thetrue age, stealing clothes stimulants, playing the "match-fixing" these phenomenadeviate from the original intention of the athletics competition; refereemember of theloss of professional ethics in the game, blowing "black whistle"; commercialization ofserious speculation imagine. These unreasonable standards are gradually eroding thecompetitive culture, people used to worship psychological increasingly lost,worsening of athletic and cultural environment in the University Sports Field.Therefore, to the University athletic culture lost phenomenon is imperative.Literature research, expert interviews and logical analysis, and lost thephenomenon of university athletics culture studies have shown that the culture ofuniversity athletics lost mainly as utilitarian, false, commercialization,narrow-minded, non-rational "Five" phenomenon, its adverse effects are mainlyreflected in the moral standard of college students, college students, life and valuesformation, the formation of the management philosophy of school sports and physicaleducation teachers function orientation of the negative effects. Further study showedthat university athletics culture lost causes of the phenomenon is mainly related to thelag of the system construction, the shrinking of the educational function, the influenceof social environment, physical and chemical distortions in sports and sports a moralevil. Phenomenon and its causes for the above lost, take the following strategy forcorrection: First, the spirit of sport, focusing on the dip; two athletic focusing oneducation; Third, focusing on construction of the athletic culture; Combinationfocuses on harmony. The research results are to further strengthen the universityathletics and cultural development, and correction of the competitive culture lost toprovide a useful reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:University, Competitive culture, Loss
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