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The Study Of The Psychology Communication Support Of Undergraduate Ideological And Political Education

Posted on:2013-11-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330374469491Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ideological and Political Education is a complex process in which a variety of educational methods were used to tea ch specific content of education in certain educational env ironment. Every aspect of the coordination and harmonizatio n of each factor is the key to improve the effectiveness of ideological and political education. Psychology communicat ion in undergraduate ideological and political education on the one hand, can tell students the formation of a good ideological and moral values and behavior;on the other hand, can also strengthen the mutual recognition, mutual underst anding and emotional integration of subjects of education, thereby maximizing mobilize the enthusiasm of the educated and promote their active participation to get the ideologic al and political education goals together. In view of this, psychology communication of the ideological and political education and psychological communication support for the i deological and political education is not without benefit. They can both enrich the ideological and political educatio n disciplines and the basic theory. They can be more effect ive guidance to colleges and universities’practice of ide ological and political education.From the ancient times to here, the psychology of commun ication phenomena always exist. But the communication syste m haven’t expounded as an educational philosophy, the conc ept of one-way transmission of information and simple indoc trination is deep-rooted. Since the1990s, either in theory or in practice, ideological and political education have a more heated debate and increasingly in-depth discussion. I n this process, psychology communication and its status are highlighted. The seventh session of the Fifth Plenary Sess ion of the party’s emphasis on adhering to the scientific development should be more emphasis on people-oriented. To respect, understand, care about students as the starting po int of the psychology process of communication is the best highlight of the core. In the new historical conditions, to strengthen the importance and urgency of the ideological a nd political education has been a profound understanding of the challenges and arduous nature of ideological and polit ical education work are also clearly aware of. We should be more user-friendly implementation of the ideological and p olitical education, a better grasp of college students Subj ectivity; should jump out of the past, a single indoctrinat ion and students passively accepted mode of education for s tudents; should promote communication between the student’s psychology, so that communication not just a means to beco me a concept into the process of ideological and political education.The ideological and political education is a practice a ctivities to promote college students to establish a correc t world outlook, a positive outlook and scientific values a nd noble morality. This process to achieve effective commun ication of psychology directly determine the actual effect of the ideological and political education work, the basic problem of psychology communication, status quo and obstacl es, the better to carry out ideological and political educa tion activities have an important theoretical and practical significance. Ideological and political education psycholo gy connotations of communication to provide psychology comm unicate the need for communication and psychological suppor t functions for the ideological and political education sta rting to explore the role and significance of the ideologic al and political education work in mental communication. Th e second part of the study support the status quo of the cu rrent ideological and political education work in psycholog y communication, respectively, from their achievement, inad equate and ineffective because the three aspects described. The third part under the theoretical guidance and practica1to improve the psychology effect of communication to enha nee the measures and ways to support the effectiveness of m ental communication.
Keywords/Search Tags:Undergraduate Ideological and Political Education, Psychology Communication, Support
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