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The Research Of Reading In Primary And Middle Schools

Posted on:2013-10-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H KangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330374452701Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Reading is the most convenient way to improve teachers’ professionaldevelopment in rural area. However, teachers’ reading is less and less in rural primaryand middle schools. This paper takes the western part of Henan rural middle andprimary school teachers as the research object which is based on the perspective ofreading. According to the relevant investigation and interviews on the teacher’sreading, this paper analyzes the deep-seated reasons why the teacher are readinglittle,improves their professional development by reading, change their ways of lifeand strengthen the campus cultural construction strategies and suggestions。The first chapter, introduction part, mainly includes the topic of the background,purpose, significance, main contents, research methods, innovation, core concept andrelated literature reviews and so on.The second chapter, for rural primary and middle school teachers’ readingsituation survey. According to the questionnaire surveys and the analysis, theresearcher initially obtained the conclusion that the reading of the primary andsecondary school teachers in rural areas are generally poor,and put forward to thestrategies and suggestions of improving teachers’ reading.The third chapter, the reading and the rural teachers’ professional development.According to the investigation of the rural teachers, the researcher gives somesuggestions and thoughts about the reading system, methods and strategies.The fourth chapter,the reading and the style of lives of the rural teachers.According to the investigations and interviews, the researcher finds that teachers aregenerally dissatisfied with their own lives, and put forward to the Strategies toimprove their ways of life by reading.The fifth chapter, the reading and the construction of the culture of school.Theresearcher analyzes the weight of the various factors in the construction of the cultureof school, propose to build a learning organization by reading, create learning-oriented teachers, to combine the construction of the culture of school with teacher reading, sothat rural teachers can “Poetry as habitat on campus”.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural areas, teacher reading, professional development, life style, theconstruction of the culture of school
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