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Study On Entrepreneurship Education Of Colleges And Universities In Nanjing

Posted on:2013-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330371984502Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the1960s, the United States began exploring entrepreneurship education and from the academic significance of study on entrepreneurship education. In1989, UNESCO put forward at the meeting for the first time "enterprise education", emphasizing the colleges and universities should give students awarded" entrepreneurship passport", cultivate students’ entrepreneurial skills and initiative spirit, that graduates should first be the creator of the work. From the inevitable demand of the era and the trend of social development, for promoting the development of the knowledge economy to promote entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities; from the stability of social development, increasing in the employment rate of entrepreneurship education in universities on the community has a role in promoting; University entrepreneurship Education injects fresh blood into deepening the reform of education in colleges and universities; from the personality development of college students, entrepreneurship education in Colleges and universities can allow them to better achieve their own value. Entrepreneurship Education in China began in the1990s, although obtained a certain degree of achievement, but compared with other countries, starts late, inadequate system, whose construction of these hampers entrepreneurship education system in China. This thesis uses literature survey and classified, on-the-spot questionnaire and case studies and other research methods in the Social Sciences, this thesis pinpoints Nanjing area colleges and universities, through the Nanjing entrepreneurship education colleges undergraduate pilot questionnaire, to put forward the problems and analyze the causes, through drawing lessons from the domestic and foreign universities entrepreneurship education success, to build with Chinese characteristics of entrepreneurship education in Colleges and universities system, puts forward workable suggestion. This article launches the elaboration from five parts: the first chapter, introduction. Through the research background and the problems are presented to illustrate the importance of entrepreneurship education in Colleges and universities and the research motivation, and expounds the innovation of research, difficulty and research method. The second chapter, domestic and international entrepreneurship education development. From the United States, Japan, India, the first as well as the transnational entrepreneurship education entrepreneurship education in cooperative study comparing the international scope of the development of China, and then to describe the current situation of entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurship education is from the start, development and the government’s push to elaborate. The third chapter, the Nanjing venture education undergraduate pilot colleges a case analysis. To uphold the spirit of innovation in the city of Nanjing college pilot entrepreneurship education institutions to explore the current situation, the Nanjing University, Nanjing University of Science and Technology and Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology as an example, data collected from questionnaires to analyze problems. The fourth chapter, the difficulties and reasons of entrepreneurship education in Colleges and universities. In the third part, from the enterprise education of College Students’ ideological understanding, restricted lag of course system of enterprise education, weak teachers strength and lack of good business environment in five aspects of analysis. The fifth chapter, on entrepreneurship education in China suggestions. This is the core of this paper, proposed the university to implement the enterprise education for college students from the University of entrepreneurship education, change idea, inspire students’ thirst for knowledge, establish entrepreneurship education system, build entrepreneurial mentor team of part-times, establish entrepreneurship education service system and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:enterprise education, entrepreneurship education entrepreneurship educationsystem in Colleges and universities
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