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College Students' Consciousness Of Public Diplomacy Culture Research

Posted on:2013-05-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330362968324Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of world multiplarization,economic globalization and informationtechnology, the contacts between the countries gradually progess toward diversification. After30years of reform and opening up, China’s international exchanges become increasingly various andthe diplomatic connotation is constantly expanded. Today’s China exerts a significant andfar-reaching influence on the world,whether in economic,political or culture areas,etc.There aremore and more interactions and exchanges between ordinary Chinese people and foreignpeople,thereby resulting in a closer link. The concept of "global citizens" is not as strange to theChinese people as before.. With the enhancement of China’s overall national strength, China playsan increasingly important role in the world, therefore causing a deep attention of many countriesand foreign people.China and other countries in the world, have formed a harmonious integrationwhere each has something of the other."China Story" and "world story" influence each other andenhance each other’s beauty. In recent years, a growing number of people in the internationalcommunity urge China to take more responsibilities. In order to better safeguard national interestsand promote harmony and peace in the world, China should have its own international right ofspeech discourse power.And an importanyt way to increase this international right is to strengthenChina’s public diplomacy. However, due to various reasons, there are still some western countrieswhose way of thinking and way of doing things still remain at the Cold War period.They alwayshold objection or negative attitude views towards socialism, especially to China’s socialist causeunder the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.For things happened in China, whether bigor small, some Western media are always willing to report them by distorting the facts or evenattacking. In order to oppose, vilify or contain China,they constantly create the hot spot such asthe "China threat theory" by their own media propaganda,thus misleading the foreign ordinarypeople.And this bias will only lead to a false attitude to their China policies Therefore,we shouldintroduce the real situation of China to the outside world and eliminate the misunderstanding ofthe foreign people, which is conducive to both their own material interests and world harmony andstability. In this case, the Chinese people, especially college students should shoulder the responsibility of communicating with the international community. Thus, whether in order todevelop China’s internal and external environment or to enhance the influence of China on theworld,it is important and urgent to strengthen public diplomacy and to improve thecommunication skills of the Chinese people, especially college students.In order to carry out public diplomacy successfully, we must cultivate the citizens’awareness of public diplomacy. Director of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the CPPCC NationalCommittee Zhao Qizheng once put special emphasis on education and training of college students’awareness of public diplomacy. The current international and domestic situation is increasinglycomplex.Because of little knowledge of the country’s foreign policy,a vague grasp of publicdiplomacy knowledge as well as the lack of public diplomacy awareness, it is difficult for studentsto examine and understand the problem on a higher level.So it is particularly important and urgentto cultivate students’ awareness of public diplomacy.This paper is structured as follows: The first chapter is the Introduction, mainly introduceingthe purpose,significance and methods of this study;The second chapter is the concept of publicdiplomacy awareness as well as the status of university students’ awareness of public diplomacy,introducing the concept of public diplomacy, connotation and characteristics of public diplomacyawareness as well as the current situation of college students awareness of public diplomacy;Thethird chapter introduces the importance and the reasons of cultivation of the students’ awareness ofpublic diplomacy; The fourth chapter describes the objectives and content of cultivation of thestudents’ awareness of public diplomacy;The fifth chapter is concerned with countermeasures ofcultivation of the students’ awareness of public diplomacy...
Keywords/Search Tags:college students, public diplomacy, consciousness, culture
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