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The Counter Measures Of Building Harmonious Three Gorges Adhere To The Scientific Concept Of Development

Posted on:2014-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330398982892Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
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The Three Gorges is a famous world-class natural wonders. The Three Gorges region is a weakness of the Chang Jiang River economic belt. Though the Three Gorges dam project has attracted the attention of the whole world, it also brings a lot of world-class economic, social, cultural development and ecology protection problems. It is very meaningful to build the harmonious three gorges by using the scientific concept of development adequately and seeking countermeasures of these problems constantly.Building Harmonious Three Gorges is a system project; it is a kind of social integration and balance of social relationships. Under the guidance of the scientific concept of development, working hard on multiple aspects, aim at integrate the resources efficiently and develop relationships harmoniously. The development of three gorges is very clear in the scientific concept of development:building a harmonious three gorges is very important to most people’s interests in three gorges region, to enhance the reign basic of our party, to the whole picture of building the harmonious socialism society. There are a lot of papers and books about how to build a harmonious three gorges in many aspects, but very little are concern to the whole picture of building harmonious three gorges. This thesis is about to build a whole picture of how to build a harmonious three gorges, and it is divided into three parts:Part Ⅰ:To define the concept of the Harmonious three gorges. Explained the relationship between adhering to the scientific concept of development and build a harmonious three gorges. Pointed out that the scientific development concept is the guiding ideology of building harmonious three gorges,building the three gorges is a concrete goal of the scientific concept of development. Build up the theoretical foundation of further research.Part Ⅱ:Analyzed the achievements, problems and causes of building a harmonious three gorges, summarized mainly in three aspects:the harmony between man and nature, the harmony between man and man and the harmony of social development. First, the achievements of building harmonious three gorges in three aspects.Second, the problems while building three gorges.Third, analysis of the causes of the problems in building three gorges.Part III:The countermeasures of how to build a harmonious three gorges under the guidance of the scientific concept of development at a detailed level. Harmonious three gorges as an organic whole must unleash its overall value to ensure and promote its building action. It needs the guidance of the scientific concept of development at an overall level. First, put forward the concept of sustainable development; make sure the harmony between man and nature come true. Second, put forward that immigration is the basic of building harmonious three gorges, make sure the harmony between man and man come true. Third, put forward that the overall development of economic society is the basic of building harmonious three gorges, make sure the harmony of social development come true.
Keywords/Search Tags:scientific concept of development, Harmonious Three Gorges, Countermeasure Research
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