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A Study On Parole System During The Period Of Republic Of China

Posted on:2014-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330398978634Subject:Legal History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Parole system as an originated in the West penalty system in our country of the Republic of China, the rapid development and improvement, the content of the parole system of the Republic of China to develop management theory is based primarily on referral by introducing the parole system. From1913’s "Republic of China temporary new criminal law" to the1948parole review rules, a lot of legislative and supplemented by the Administration of the parole system, review and summarize these legislative documents reflect parole in the Republic of development.The status of implementation of the parole system of the Republic of China is a further practice, two aspects of reproduction Parole System of the Republic of China, and also reflects the significance of the parole system of the Republic of China and problems through case studies and data analysis of the Republic of China parole legislation. Its significance is mainly criminals and prison for criminals beneficial to the positive transformation of early return to society; prison significance is to help to resolve the status of prisoners, prison overcrowding, of course, the application of the parole system. the situation also reflects its problems, including the legislative system is imperfect and parole applicable rate is too low, these problems are many reasons, first, the impact of the ideological aspects of our traditional severe punishment and judicial personnel conservative ideological influence for the implementation of the parole system; second, the purpose of the deviation on the purpose of the parole system is to encourage inmates to rehabilitate and return to society, but the Republic of China is mainly used to dredge the prison, so only in the case of prison overcrowding parole system was only more applicable; third, the impact of the social environment, the Republic of continued political instability, war, government authorities to focus on the war, the use and development of the law were shelved.The parole system of the Republic of China, you can clearly understand the legislative requirements of the parole system of the Republic of China, the status of implementation of positive significance, and the existence of the problem, has important reference significance for our country at this stage of the parole system perfect, by further clear the nature and purpose of the parole system, the parole legislation system and supervision system and other means to promote the development of China’s modern parole system.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Republic of China, Parole system, legislation
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