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The Research On The Challenge Of Our Nation’s Cultural Sovereignty And Coping Strategies

Posted on:2014-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H LiuFull Text:PDF
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Culture is the essence of a nation’s existence. If a nation’s culture disappears or it is assimilated, it is no doubt that this nation will lose the foundation of its existence. Government work report in NPC&CPPCC.March2012stressed that it is the main task of2012to make the socialist culture more prospective;the18th national congress of the CPC regarded "the significant enhancements of cultural soft power" as the aim of building moderately prosperous society, deepening reform and opening up. Many specialists and scholars hold the view that China now is attaching the greatest importance to the culture since Sixth Plenary Session.Thinking highly of cultural sovereignty is the key part of valuing culture. Culture sovereignty is the sovereignty in the area of culture, same as territorial sovereignty, political sovereignty and economic sovereignty, is an integral part of a country, sacred and inviolable. It not only has a direct bearing on the nation’s cultural independence, but is critical to its political sovereignty and independent status. Along with the significant change of the international relationship since1990s, cultural sovereignty is playing an important role increasingly in the international arena. In the trend of cultural globalization, facing violent impact of foreign culture, the governments of every country are keeping a watchful eye on how to protect cultural sovereignty. Cultural sovereignty is also the latest issue relating to national sovereignty.These years, the papers and publications concerning cultural sovereignty begin to spring up; nevertheless, most of them are placing emphasis on ideological and political education or political science. The treatises focusing on law are few; what’s more, the strategies of coping with cultural sovereignty crisis in our country are defective. This paper focuses on the connotation of cultural sovereignty, and analyzes the challenge of our nation. Then, there is a brief introduction of culture legislation in our country and a brief analysis of its deficiencies. The latter of this paper analyzes the strategies of safeguarding our nation’s cultural sovereignty mainly from the legal perspective referring to the current situation of our nation’s cultural sovereignty especially the situation of culture legislation. Canada’s successful experience is used for reference.Specifically, the first chapter of this paper analyzes the value of cultural sovereignty from the concept of cultural sovereignty and its basic content, and then makes a brief introduction of the important international legal documents which stipulate cultural sovereignty since1940s. The second chapter analyzes the challenge of our nation’s cultural sovereignty:the western cultural hegemony’s challenge to our nation’s cultural sovereignty and neighboring countries’robbing our nation’s traditional cultural resources. The third chapter makes a brief introduction of the legal provisions concerning cultural sovereignty, that is to say. culture legislation in our country and then a brief analysis of its deficiencies in the following chapter. The fourth chapter finds enlightenment of our nation’s cultural sovereignty given by Canada from discussing the measures of Canada’s cultural sovereignty protection. The last chapter discusses the measures of our nation’s cultural sovereignty protection on the basis of above analysis, laying stress on making full use of international law to protect our nation’s cultural sovereignty and further intensifying the legislation of cultural sovereignty protection, standardizing the order of our nation’s cultural law. This paper develops around the keywords "cultural sovereignty protection", aiming at providing theoretical support and feasible suggestions for our nation’s cultural sovereignty construction.Chinese academics should further promote the theoretical research on cultural sovereignty, actively bring it into the content of national social science research, solicit opinions and pool wisdom from the public. We should give impetus to making breakthroughs theoretically, come up explicit definitions and give specifications of cultural sovereignty, analyze the potential challenges comprehensively and make proper strategies for both a short-term and long-term accordingly. The task of protecting our cultural sovereignty is arduous and formidable. Only by the way that we stick together, make joint efforts and work with dedication can we achieve our goal.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cultural sovereignty, Challenge, Legal provisions, Reference, Copingstrategies
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