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Study On The Scholars In The Warring States Scheme

Posted on:2012-09-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395987876Subject:Ancient literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Warring States Scheme records numerous schol’ars argues and strategies in theWarring States period based on which it portrays different schol’ars characters with differentmanners. According to statistics, the Warring States Scheme covers over600characters ofwhom over100have distinctive images and also their stories are recorded in detail. All thesementioned above provide large references for studying the scholars in the Warring StatesScheme. On this basis, this article studies the scholars in the Warring States Scheme byplacing them in the comprehensive network relationship of the Warring States scholar culturefrom the grand background of the Warring States period, so as to bring the reasons andcharacteristics of the rise of the scholar group as well as its influence at that time to light. Thisarticle also classifies these scholars in the Warring States Scheme by their influence andpositions in that society and by the characteristics of their skills and then studies theircharacters and talks over their relations to the Warring States scholar culture, finally obtainviewpoints on the Warring States scholar stratum, on the scholars in the Warring StatesScheme and on the relationship between the scholars in the Warring States Scheme and thescholar culture of the Warring States.On the Warring States scholar stratum.The rise of the Warring States scholar stratum wasa major issue which had far-reaching influence on many aspects of the Warring State society,such as politics, economy and culture and so on. The sharp rise of the schol’ars quantity andposition and the construction of JiXia Academy in State Qi all showed that the Warring Statesscholars which were a great power that influenced the trend of the Warring States werereaching into the historical stage in the form of group or stratum. There are many reasons forthe rise of the Warring States scholar stratum. The main reason is the combination of theobjective trend and the schol’ars subject factor.In the Warring States period, to succeed instrength competition and annexation war, all monarchs in different kingdoms eagerly need alarge amount of talents with specialized skills to serve for them so as to make the country richand its military force efficient.Some countries also reach their purpose by employing thecapable and using the wise from everywhere, due to this an atmosphere of loving scholars,maintaining scholars and valuing scholars became rife. The scholars response to the call of objective trend for their specialized skills and active enterprising spiirt, therefore leading tothe rise of the Warring States scholar stratum. The rise of the Warring States scholar stratumnot only created splendid scholar culture, but also had a positive effect on the structure,content and the form of the prose of the thinkers in the Warring States.On the scholars in the Warring States Scheme. There are large amount of Warring Statesscholars. They can mainly be divided into tacticians, disputants, cavaliers and spongers.Tacticians are those who specially give advice and suggestions to the monarch, such as Wu Qi,Shen Buhai and Shang Yang. They presides different countries’ political reform in the earlydays of the Warring States and contributes tactics for making the country rich and its militaryforce eiffcient to the monarch. These scholars mentioned above can be divided as tacticians.Disputants gain profit by their incontrovertible eloquence by making contributions for theirmonarch and achieving success in both internal affairs and foreign affairs, such as Cai Ze,Tang Qie and Lu Zhongliaa. With no doubt, there is some coincidence between tacticians anddisputants. Most of the extraordinary tacticians have superb incontrovertible eloquence, suchas Su Qin, Zhang Yi and Gongsun Yan. The difference is that tacticians put more emphasis on’’strategies. They “argue for stating their strategies but disputants put more emphasis onrefutations. So this article divides the three men above as tacticians but not disputants.Warriors are those who exclude the diiffculty and anxiety for the monarch mainly by theirbravery and power, such as Jing Ke,Lie Zheng and Yu Rang. Spongers are those who servefor their masters by their own specialized skills, such as Diao Bo and Li Yuan. The scholars inthe Warring States Scheme share a lot in common with those in the Warring States. Theirconsciousness of freedom increases and they pursue equality in character andself-esteem.Besides these, they have other four characteristics: having strong subjectconsciousness; having the consciousness of returning the hospitality that he has received;having active enterprising spirit and having the outstanding spirit of valuing “mat”erial gains.On the relationship between the scholars in the Warring States Scheme and the scholarculture of the Warring States. The scholars in the Warring States Scheme are importantcomponent.Of the Warring States scholars, their group spirit embodies the spiirt of the culture of theWarring States scholars, such as respecting and valuing the scholars, valuing and worshippingideals and path, keeping forging ahead actively and having strong subject consciousness andso on.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Warring States Scheme, scholars, study
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