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Municipal District In The New Period The Communist Youth League Organizations To Participate In Social Management And Public Service Mode Of The Research

Posted on:2013-12-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X G WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395968067Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Youth is an important force to promote the progress of history. At present, China is in an internationalization intertwined period of strategic opportunities and prominent contradictions of industrialization and urbanization, information technology and market-oriented. The environment for the young generation is more open, and the internal structure young people is becoming more complex. The majority of young ideas are increasingly active, independent, and selective, and the difference is significantly enhanced. In the new situation, how to adapt to the needs of youth groups change and social management innovation, and actively develop the potential of the youth groups to effectively guide young people to participate in social management and public service, has become an important and urgent task.Facing the social transformation, the Chinese Communist Youth League to accept both the Chinese Communist Party youth work functions, and also taking the responsibility of governmental youth work functions.Therefore, the Communist Youth League in participation in social management and public service work is also faced with new situations and challenges. How to adapt to the trends of the new era of social structure, to assist the government to manage youth in public affairs, to explore the mechanisms and pathways of the Youth League to participate in social management and public services, and youth work for the good of the party and the government and the Communist Youth League organizations at all levels to provide decision-making, which is to the Communist Youth League of the duties entrusted by history.This paper is accomplished with surveys, literature research, case studies and other methods attempt to more accurately grasp the new situation of social transition youth in public affairs management and new problems. This paper is taking the Xincheng Disitrict of Xi’an as an example, a comprehensive overview of the status of the Communist Youth League organizations in the region to participate in social management and public services, and maintenance from the youth ideological dynamic youth volunteer public service activities, youth employment and entrepreneurship, youth interests to proceed angle, more detailed description of the bottlenecks that currently exist, analysis and interpretation of the plight of youth in public affairs management.On the basis of the above study, the paper settled in the Youth League assist in the management of public affairs of the government, the Communist Youth League to participate in social management and public service mode and. The proposed league organizations is necessary to deeply examine our own position, properly deal with social, to maintain a relationship with the government, with youth, its pioneering status in youth work as the core, and actively participate in the government’s social management innovation, especially full play to their functional role and effectively work as a youth in public affairs management.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xincheng District, social management, public management, CommunistYouth League
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