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The Historical Experience And The Realistic Enlightenment Of CPC Coping With Group Incidents In The1950s

Posted on:2013-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J C WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395965076Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the1950s, there were group incidents, such as larger strike, student’s strike and petition happened in many places of China. In order to deal with the incidents, the first generation leaders of party such as Mao Zedong paid high attention to treatment and research of group incidents. To undertake comprehensive analysis with the scientific attitude for the group incidents, to analyze the main reasons for its occurrence, and put forward the correct processing methods. On this basis, it formed the theory and principle of handling group incidents.Since the1990s, with the depth of our country modernization, all kinds of social contradictions have exposed by the way of group incidents and it occurs with increasing frequency and more fierce confrontation. Group incidents have become the impact of social stability and development of important factors. The important thought of the first generation leader of CPC on group incidents has important significance for the social transformation in critical period of our country. It provided the methodology instruction for our scientific understanding and correct handling group incidents; it provide the correct direction for the construction of the socialist harmonious society; it provide a scientific basis for the implement the scientific outlook on development; it provided a guarantee for maintaining social stability. The communist Party of China to the disposal of group incidents during the historical investigation of this period. Summing up the historical experience, according to the present situation and development of the character of group event, the Communist Party of China puts forward the effective methods of preventing and handling group incidents.There are six parts of this paper:the first part is introduction, and defined the concept and development of group incidents. Chapter one is the historical research about Communist Party of China deal with the group incidents in the1950s. and use literature method to investigate the outbreak, the main reason and its historical experience of group incidents in the1950s. Chapter two is the occurrence and analysis of group incidents in our country. To survey and study the overview, types, characteristics and the main cause of the outbreak of current group incidents. Chapter three is realistic enlightenment about the Communist Party of China handling group incidents in1950s. It will combine the history and reality by comparative method then to summarize the guiding ideology, basic principles and basic method about the treatment group incidents. Chapter four is new requirements of handling group incidents in new period. In view of the present situation and character of group incidents, put forward the prevention mechanism to build "group incidents" information communication mechanism etc. The conclusion put forward the historical survey of the1950s, the party’s first generation of collective leadership theory and practice of the current prevention and treatment of the reality of group incidents revelation of the group incidents. Effective prevention and handling of group incidents, maintain social stability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Group incidents, Historical experience, Realistic enlightenment
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