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Research On The Disposal Methods Of Collective Action In China

Posted on:2014-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395495791Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on historical background and current situation of the wrong idea, so crises of Chinese local governance are frequent in the transition period. Big adjustment of land interest and its distribution pattern caused by urbanization, resulting unable to properly resolve conflicts which intensified from time to time. All of that has bring chal lenges to the credibility of the government and the social order stability.The events of Wukan villagers collective action, in Lufeng City Guangdong Province, in2011September, which was the most iconic events reflects the crisis of governance in recent years. In the development process of the Event, we can see that independent power with the representatives along with the age growth. And, representative who has the consciousness of rights, began to undertake the col lective interests of the villagers. They mobilized villagers to gather strength, tellthe legitimate aspirations, finding the point of against corruption power and its grey pattern of interests in the institutional framework and the party’s disscurse system. and began to action. In the event of gradually upgrade, Guangdong Province timely adjustment to thought and processing method, take a pragmatic attitude to change the path dependence of a disposal method and pressure type of the basic government deal with people’s collective action. In the commitment to the village land interests wh ile fully respecting the villagers autonomous Iegal r i ghts. Observation of treatment of the event in the context, that the province to car ry out the i nnovat i on of soc i a I management, and its effect ach i eved, It can be said that the government, has try their best to respond to the demands of the people with the new situation of the governing phi losophy and governance mode.This paper will put the event in the background of interaction pol itical structure between government and people. Focuses on historical path and system source of both ideas and d i sposa I methods of the governance of collective action, and analysis the collective action mechanism and deve Iopment path in the existing system resources and the Iegal framework. The Wukan event, such a certain case universality in the transitional period.will be a breakthrough point, to observe the changing and evolution of the local government in dealing with the incident of ideas and methods. And pay attention to the logic of the evolution of the event, which broke the fi xed pattern of content i ous collective action only stop in economic compensation, and build the new trend of demanding and implementing the of the statutory democratic and political rights. Inspired by the evolution of logic, It is how the government realize the progress of situation, the public rights consciousness and the enthusiasm of participate, appear in the collective action. So the government can flexible and efficient to find a dynamic management mechanism to realize the positivei nteraction between the government and the public, to explore the collective action system, and institutionalized the collective action governance mode of the benign interaction. On the basis of dialysis the new trend of benign governance paradigm highlights of the collective action governance, in Chinese political development logic and context. Based on the analysis of the governance model changes on the collective action to explore the transformation of Chinese social governance way.
Keywords/Search Tags:Collective action, Governance, Organization
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