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Comparative Research On Accountability Systems In China HK And China Mainland

Posted on:2012-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L F LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395487924Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In2002Hong Kong SAR Government launched an accountability system. From a practical point of view, accountability system in Hong Kong achieved good results. As a local government in china, the accountability system implemented by Hong Kong SAR Government to deepen administrative system, improve the administrative accountability system in mainland China is some reference. Administrative accountability system in mainland china has many shortcomings, especially in how to build a unified legal mechanisms of accountability, so as to establish responsible government and the rule of government.The majority of government officials and the public was aware of the concept of administrative accountability from the2003outbreak of "SARS". For prevention and treatment "SARS" weak, Health Minister Zhang Wenkang, Beijing Mayor Meng Xuenong resigned due to a failure of leadership, nearly a thousand officials who are incompetent and dismissed from office resigned, has fueled a political storm unprecedented accountability. Then more and more officials be held accountable for accidents, they, or resign, or be subject to appropriate action. Beginning in2008, the administrative accountability system has set off a round of small-climax, after8years of development and practice, the administrative accountability system in China mainland are generally effective, and there is also a considerable problem.In doing research, this thesis follows some traditional ways, such as comparative research method, theory with practice, inductive method, from the background, content, practical perspective on the accountability system in Hong Kong and mainland China of a comparative study of administrative accountability, from the theoretical analysis of the administrative accountability of the Mainland problems. On this basis, the paper proposes a sound administrative accountability system and the focus of the reform on China’s mainland administrative improvement and development of the accountability system has some reference value, therefore, the study also has some practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Accountability Systems in china Mainland, Accountability Systems in HK, Comparative Research
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