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A Study On Resource Attaining Of Grass-roots Non-governmental Organizations Of China

Posted on:2013-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H N ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395482339Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The grassroots NGO (Grass-roots NGOs) is generated spontaneously from the grassroots level, and is a kind of implement genuine autonomy NGO which rarely have support from government. Since1980s, as China’s economic system reform, the transformation of government functions and the "harmonious society" the proposing of the goal of society, grassroots NGO acquire unprecedented space and conditions for their survival and development, the role of Grassroots NGO to society has also became more and more outstanding. Especially in2008wenchuan earthquake and the Beijing Olympic Games, many grassroots NGO successfully attracted public view, they play very important role in the field of social development engaged in social service and change, and effectively make up for the "government failure" and "market failure". However with the vigorous development of grassroots NGO, investigations have found that most of the grassroots NGO face a series of survival and development challenges, the most important aspect is the lack of resource. Therefore, the problem of grassroots NGO resources becomes more and more important.This paper argues that grassroots NGO needed resources are varied, which including cash type resources also include non-cash type resources. Cash type resources refer to money, non-cash type resources include human resources, the political resources, image resources and relationship resources. In this paper, we systematically introduce some related concepts of Grassroots NGO and give a classification of the resources required for the survival and development of grass-roots NGO. Through analyzing the present situation of financing,we found that our country’s grassroots NGO capital mainly comes from the foreign institutions including the foundation, NGO funding but less from the domestic social donation and government appropriation.Then we try to find out the existing problems. At last by using the successful experience of the United States, this paper puts forward some reasonable proposal to promote Grassroots NGO financing ability:In the external resources environment, the government need to perfect relevant legal system, grassroots organizations have to learn how to effectively integrate the government, enterprise and industry resources; in the Internal resources environment, grassroots NGO should focus on the strengthening of the construction of grassroots NGO which included:pay attention to improve the organization’s credibility, professional financing technology and training, etc., in addition, the author puts forward grassroots organizer can also try to social enterprise transformation to promote organization self hematopoietic function and try new financing mode and so on.This paper aims to improve Chinese grass-roots NGO old concept in resource derive aspects, training their to form a new sustainable and developmental concept, So as to promote grassroots NGO exert better organization mission and their sustainable development, promote the healthy development of civil society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Grass-roots NGOs, resource attaining, civil society
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