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The Research Of Competitive Selection Of Cadres In Liannan County

Posted on:2013-06-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J XiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395475587Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Implement the measures of public selection and competitive appointment, consummateofficials’ communication, job rotation and avoidance system.The appointment mechanismwhich mainly focuses on public selection and completive employment is the requirement ofinnovations in cadres personnel system and it also is a inevitable trend. The CentralGovernment and GD province have issued several official documents on competitiveappointment which has become the important method for appointment and promotion ofofficials. According to the latest statistic from Central organization department, after the17thNational Congress of the Communist Part of China,234,000officials were appointed by thismethod. Scientific level was improved a lot. Guangdong province Organization Departmentalso set a target for the appointment mechanism that the percentage of the official’s appointmentvia completive system in county level should be not less than one third.With in-depth understanding of the completive appointment and promotion of officials inLianlan county of Qingyuan city, this text introduces Lianlan’s method and procedure, as wellas its achievement. The Lianlan County sets up a standard procedure for the selection andimplement the “Yangguan” program to precede the completive appointment. It has made a greatachievement, letting the appointment mechanism satisfactory, broadening the horizons forselection, arousing officials’ passion, and improving the executive force. This text also analyzesthe problems arising from selection, such as the traditional thought, unreasonable qualifications,unscientific examination, cost constraints, and so on. This makes to carry out the workeffectively. It is specially obvious in undeveloped edge town. In addition to the abovecommon problems, Liannan County has its special problem, which is deeply analyzed andelaborated. For the above problems, this text raise up the feasible suggestion for furtherdevelopment with seven aspects: public opinion atmosphere, scope of application, context andmethod of examination, jury team building, perfect the supervision, reduce the cost, perfectionof supporting system. All this promote the completive appointment developing well in thecounty, and achieve the goal that the completive selection plays a good role.
Keywords/Search Tags:Leader, Competitive selection, Mechanism
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