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The Decline Of Leadership Of Organizations And Its Countermeasures

Posted on:2013-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330380974527Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
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Leadership is the ability of taking leading guidelines into action. Generally, itconsists of the ability of organizing, commanding, controlling and harmonizing, and itfeatures guidance and performance. As proved in action, the quality of modernleadership has direct influence on the effect and the efficiency of the activities carriedout by those leaders. Still, the village-level Party’s organization is the leader andpioneer in the course of constructing new countryside, and the level of its membershipalso has direct influence on the leading role of the Party and the smooth reform of therural areas. The leadership of the village-level Party’s organization refers to theadministrative and servicing ability in implementing and carrying out the guidingprinciple of the Party, harmonizing the relationship of the inner apartments, uniting andleading the people, and promoting the rural areas’ economic and social development. Itfeatures pivotality, comprehension, and service. And it finds its main expressions inleadership decision, expression of the civil opinions, harmonizing service, andsupervision. Even though the leadership of the village-level Party’s organization isrepresented differently in different fields, such as rural economy, culture,theconstruction of eco-civilization and is of various effects, it ‘s aimed at building amoderately prosperous society in an all-around way. Related statements and theorieshave been made upon the construction of the Party’s leadership by typical writersspecializing in Marxism, such as Marx, Engels, Lenin, Zedong Mao, Xiaoping Deng,Zemin Jiang, and Jintao Hu,etc.As time advances, these theories have been continually improved and implemented,laying a solid theory foundation for the development and growth of the Party.Reviewing the constructional experience in the past several decades, measures asfollows should be taken into action if the village-level Party’s organization want toimprove its leadership efficiently and to truly achieve the working goal of thegrass-rooted society. First, ideologically the tranvertion of the village-level Party’sorganization is, by its origin, a political organization rather than an administrative one.Second, when solving the village-level affairs,the Party organization shouldn’t realizetheir leadership through its power, but in the way of democracy, solving problems bylaw, playing the model role and serving the people.Through the investigation I took in an autonomous town of Dong Minority inZhijiang, I found that the current construction of the village-level Party’s organization,especially that of the village committee remains unoptimistic, densely represented in thefollowing aspects: the illogical structure of the village-level Party’s organization, lowpolitical attainments, the poor controlling ability of dealing with social contradictions,and the under-improved ability of organizing, leading and advancing the economic development and cultural construction. As revealed in the thorough investigation, thereasons for the poor ability for leadership are listed below: the lack of controllableresources like materiality and politicality, the loose organization of the village-levelParty, and the lack of advancement of leadership. Therefore, if the village-level Party’sorganization want to make changes happen, it must clearify the profound influence ofthe leadership upon advancing the construction of the social countryside, the socialisticharmonious society and its economy, culture and politics, etc.The village-level Party’s organization is the leader in the economic developmentand eco-civilization. While the leader group make requests, they should adhere to thefour principles: to construct the village-level Party’s organization that is to people’scontent, to improve the the village-level Party’s ability of push forward the economicand social development, to improve its ability of making decisions and action, toimprove its ability to resist corrupt. In terms of putting these measures into action, whatwe should do first is to strengthen the construction of the organization and ideology.Besides, we should construct an organization that is willing to learn, creative and happyto serve the people. Then, we must unite all the members and then make them energeticand fightgoing. At last, we should take advantage of the model Party members andtherefore set examples to the people.
Keywords/Search Tags:the village-level Party’s organization, leadership, construction
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