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Civil Aviation Administrative Discretion And Control

Posted on:2013-09-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of China’s civil aviation industry, the Civil Aviation Administration (National Civil Aviation Authority, the Regional Administration and the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities Civil Aviation Authority) as the air transport sector supervision and management organs, the functions of the expansion, with more and more discretion. How to correctly understand the civil aviation administrative discretion, to impose effective control of the civil aviation administration, and promoting the rule of law in civil aviation regulatory process is important. In this paper, civil aviation administrative discretion in-depth, systematic study, describes the administrative discretion of the Civil Aviation concepts and forms, analysis of the civil aviation administrative discretion of the existence of the need and issues, discussion of civil aviation administrative discretion of the control measures.In this paper, a combination of theoretical and practical research and comparative study of administrative discretion on civil aviation research. Basic structure of the paper is divided into three parts:the first part describes the civil aviation concept of administrative discretion, characteristics and types of other related theories; second part describes the administrative discretion of the Civil Aviation problems and cause analysis; third part describes of civil aviation administrative discretion of the control measures.
Keywords/Search Tags:civil, administrative discretion, control
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