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The Study Of Harboring Criminals

Posted on:2013-10-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Harboring behavior is behavior that is detrimental to the normal judicial activities of the judiciary. It is divided into two forms, acts and omissions. Harboring in form of acts is based on the law include:offering hiding place or property for a criminal, or helping a criminal go into hiding, and other hidden harboring behavior. Harboring in form of omissions is not generally considered to constitute the crime of harboring.Behavior of the crime of harboring. Some specific acts of harboring:providing a hiding place or some property, helping them escape and hide and the behavior of divulging secret information. Some understandings of the harboring behavior of special harboring guilty, and identification and discussion on controversial acts of harboring and judicial applicable, including:the impostor of a criminal, compounding, harboring a criminal with no criminal responsibility, directing traffic perpetrators to escape, if Tibetan blanket’s reporting of the behavior of harboring people can constitute a meritorious service.The object of Harboring as "a criminal", including:the convicted person (whose guilty is determined by the People’s Court). Criminal suspect or defendant has been taken compulsory measures, person afterwards determined by the specialized agencies as’"without criminally responsible", person determined by the specialized agencies as innocence for lack of evidence. There is a special case here, which is the prostitution worker under specific circumstances according to the provision of Article362.
Keywords/Search Tags:know clearly, harboring behavior, criminal
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