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The Research Mass Incident Of Innovation Social Managemennt

Posted on:2013-06-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M LeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330374490494Subject:Public crisis information management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
On account of the evolvement of the society, the number group events tend toboost as well as the size. The construction of the harmonious society is under attack,meanwhile the level of social management to be put under the severe test. With morethan three decades of social reformation and revolution, the economic system andstructure have been empowered with the need of deeper development andtransformation, as well as the social structure hierarchy is also undergoing proof undshift, furthermore, the pattern of interests, ideas and concept shave been rearrangedto produce as eries of adaptation. Therefore these novel transformations have raisednew demand for our social management. With the revolution of our minds and socialmanagement, the management philosophy must proceed from reality in order to adaptto new situations, innovatively. We should strengthen and update our skills to handleserious mass incidents from the public administration height, with the properapproach to deal with them.First and foremost, under the scenario of innovative social administration, androoting in the theory related with the mass incidents, the article give a briefintroduction to the manage men to fin no vation and social connotations, objectivesand characteristics and the analysis necessity with irremovable and irreplaceablediscussion of the basic definition, types, causes of mass incidents and final to theclarification of the relationship between innovative social management and massincidents. Secondly, we deeply and thoroughly analyze the current status andproblems, pointing out the existing conflicts: inadequate laws and regulations, theposition deviance of the government under this particular situation, inappropriatesocial alert system, the unrealized social forces and the lack of assess of the feedback.At the same time, we analyze its causes from the economic, political, cultural,social, psychological, legal aspects. Last but not least, we further raise thesuggestions for the social management innovation pat hand the way to implement themeasures. The basic approaches are: social innovation with harmony and stability,the improvement of the quality of management personnel for the evolvement of thesocial security environment, and establishment of a network system with high effectand efficiency to enhance the social organization of services, and the focus ongrassroots work. The detailed method to Implement measures are: to promote theorderly development to the economy, to improve the political system reform, and to play the guiding role of culture, to establish and improve laws and regulations, toimprove social management, and to in tegratethepsy chological outlets...
Keywords/Search Tags:innovation social managemennt, mass incident, measures
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