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The Government Emergency Information Communication Channels Of Grid Integration Research

Posted on:2013-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330374486357Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Recalling the recent years, various types of public crisis on a global scale, some ofwhich have a profound impact to the government, caused tremendous trauma to thehuman society, the Government’s emergency management also will be more and morearound the world attention and concern of society as a whole, have gradually becomemore cutting-edge popular research topic in the public management scholars. Throughyears of observation and study can be found in the existing emergency managementscenarios and mechanisms, the performance is more prominent with the lack ofemergency work in a concerted prone because of poor communication channels, theoverall poor linkage between low efficiency issues, which would adversely affect thepublic crisis suddenly occur when the government emergency management and disposalcapacity, resulting in the deviation of the target or other adverse negative impact. It isbecause of the lack of a fully integrated emergency communication channels in theinstitutions of government departments at all levels valuable emergency informationresources is difficult to achieve timely and effective transfer and sharing among eachother, from an objective hindered the different departments at different levels normalcommunication and cooperation in crisis management between participants and to someextent, the collapse or weaken the combat effectiveness of the Government to deal withpublic crises.From the perspective of the past, many research results can be found to improvethe government’s emergency information communication path, there are still options,such as speeding up the construction of public crisis information dissemination platform,build emergency information sharing interactive system, adjust or update thecommunication of information organization system and mechanism, however I have thecomprehensive analysis of a variety of viewpoints, taking into account a variety offactors that most directly to the most urgent is the integration of government emergencycommunication channels, and other NGO efforts to build and the public are able toparticipate in one of the emergency cooperative mechanisms for management,complemented by a variety of support policies and supporting measures. Emergency communication channels in order to be able to respond more effectively to the crisis,how multiple characteristics of the architecture from a comprehensive, hree-dimensional,multi-layered, integrated, has become really important, this study attempts to computergrid and Public Administration organic combination of the principle of two types ofdifferent disciplines together, creative attempt to be more integrated into the gridconcept of management thinking and scientific techniques to study governmentemergency management information communication appropriate to put forward theGovernment’s emergency communication channels to integrate this a concept, toexplore the grid information communication channel model, drawing on the earlyembryo of the current urban communities grid management implementation model, inorder to maximize the grid with outstanding information transmission and sharingcapabilities to solve thorny channel conflict is very prominent, and finally reach theemergency sharing of information resources.
Keywords/Search Tags:public crisis, communication channel, grid, integration
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