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The Research On The Crime Reason From The Perspective Of Primary Group

Posted on:2013-04-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330371979566Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the criminology of our country, there is scarcity of the research on PrimaryGroup. We can only see the scattered research of family and neighborhood which hadalways been put into the field of the micro-environment of the society and beendeemed to social reason of the crime by researchers. They had noticed the connectionbetween family; neighborhood and micro-environment of the society, but they onlyemphasis on the influence on the crime of the micro-environment of the society (suchas family), and ignored the research on the micro-environment of the society itself.Although someone of them noticed on the research on the structure and function ofthe family, they hadn’t formed systematic research on the micro-environment of thesociety itself which influenced on the crime. We say the micro-environment of thesociety influenced on the crime, we should understand the concept of themicro-environment of the society itself comprehensively at first. In other words, weshould not get the right conclusions before we understand the concept; characteristic;nature; type; function of the micro-environment of the society clearly andsystematically.To compensate for these shortcomings, I had noticed the theory of PrimaryGroup of Sociology. There are many kinds of translations of Primary Group. Themeaning of Primary Group is a social group which is formed by the face-to-facecontacts and the Intimate relationship. Primary Group is a basic group of the humansociety. And it is also a place where we develop our personality. The types of PrimaryGroup are: family; children’s play partners; neighborhood with close relationship;friends. The functions of Primary Group are: It is a basic place of socialization; it cansatisfy our basic requirement; it can protect social order; and it has negative functions.With the theory of Primary Group, we can understand the micro-environment of thesociety which has influences on the crime systematically. Then we can get the crimereason from the perspective of Primary Group. Therefore, Introduce the theory ofPrimary Group into criminological research and find out the crime reason from theperspective of Primary Group is the purpose of this article. The main point of this article is: the crime reason from the perspective ofPrimary Group is the intimate relationship between the members become weakenedor eliminated. And based on the duality of the position of the crime reason from theperspective of Primary Group in the theory of crime reason, I get the conclusion thatthe influence of Primary Group on the crime is also duality. That is to say, PrimaryGroup can be the micro-environment of the society that develops CriminalPersonality,and Primary Group can also be social factors that accelerates theoccurrence of crime.There are four parts in this article. The content of the first part in this article isthe research as a tool. That is to say, it is the introduction for the theory of PrimaryGroup of Sociology, and with the research on family; children’s play partners;neighborhood with close relationship; friends of this theory, we can lay a theoreticalfoundation for the later research on the crime reason. The content of the second partin this article is the research as a relation. That is to say,it is the connection point ofcriminology and sociology. And it is the analysis of the crime reason from theperspective of Primary Group. Then we can get the correct position of the crimereason from the perspective of Primary Group in the theory of crime reason. And wecan find out the duality of the influence of Primary Group on the crime. The contentof the third part in this article is the different aspects of the influence of PrimaryGroup on the crime. In this part, I elaborate the crime reason from the perspective ofPrimary Group from the duality respectively. The content of the fourth part in thisarticle is the conclusion. It is a summary about the conclusion above. And then putforward suggestions and views about the Crime Control countermeasures.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Crime Reason, Primary Group, the micro-environment of thesociety
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