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Platon’s Justice Thought Research

Posted on:2013-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X S QiFull Text:PDF
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Justice is the core concept of human society, as long as the existence of humansociety, people on the discussions of justice will not stop, because it is related tosocial stable operation, national thriving and prosperous, people on the happiness.Based on this, different factions of the philosophers regard justice as importantquestions for reflection and construction. The famous ancient Greek thinker Platon isthe first person system justice thoughts, his thoughts of justice and influence is quitefar-reaching. Platon was born in a noble family, from childhood and political forgeindissoluble bound delay for a long time, the Peloponnesian War and his mentorSocrates was executed democracy court to absurd accusation, which made him deeplyreflect the justice problem, city development and citizen’s happiness contributes hislifetime.This paper firstly analyzes the Platon justice thought background and theoreticalfoundation in detail, after combing the justice connotation namely polis polis justiceand individual justice, justice, city justice and city justice maintain the decline. Thenfrom the perspective of political ethics of Platon’s political ethics can realize hisoriginal plan that bring city firm, and bring people of virtue and happiness. Finally thearticle talked about Platon’s justice thought on China’s construction of socialistharmonious society.Platon’s justice thought in general are rational, has the very strong scientificnature. He have the wisdom and to know the idea of good philosophers as thesupreme ruler, brave and able to distinguish friend from foe producers as a helper,others as a producer, the three level of the divided design to achieve the " give fullscope to the talents"; for the helper and sovereigns different different educationcurriculum, do the " teach students in accordance with their aptitude"; his stateownership design suppresses the escort class material desires, to a certain extent,delayed the corruption.But the ideal polis design and not be the pink of perfection. Platon’s" eliteperspective." he decided to top-down design of political ethics, the value of virtue inhis here is higher than that of free, this has become the theoretical value of the weak; he thought the city-states and the person is " large" and" small ", namely theisomorphism problem, where the argument is somewhat controversial, the scholarthinks, city-states and the individual is not homogenous, polis justice and individualjustice relationship also does not have what Platon said that kind of relationship. Evenif he himself is also known to man’s rational finite sex, ideal polis is ultimately todecline. His system of ethical design, although not perfect, but the idea of justice inour country at present the construction of a harmonious socialist society is still ofsignificance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Platon, Justice thought, Evaluation, Enlightenment
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