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Building Political Trust Through E-government

Posted on:2013-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N YuanFull Text:PDF
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In china, the level of political trust has been at a low figure, which is epitomized in theincreasing number of collective appeal to higher authorities for help and mass disturbances,excessive political participation and political participation indifference. with the development ofinformation technology, a new kind of government management mode occurs in many countries,that is e-government. It undertakes, to a large extent, the expectation of democratic politics andgovernment reengineering of the public who are unsatisfied with the present politics. The foreignresearch proves that the construction of e-government improves the level of political trust amongthe public.Therefore, Based on theoretical analysis, the following aspects including the promoting roleof the e-government to government management innovation, the relationship between generationof Citizen Trust and the e-government management and the empowerment of the e-governmentare mainly analyzed, so as to discuss the possibility of promoting the political trust throughe-government. Moreover, through questionnaire with Guangzhou government website andGuangzhou citizens as the research objects, this paper finds out that the level of political trust hasbeen at a low figure and that the public are not satisfied with the traditional governmentmanagement and the government website; and that citizen’s satisfaction with traditionalgovernment and government website is closely connected with the level of political trust; and etc.Finally, this paper proposed some suggestions as how to enlarge the publicity of information,perfect online service, enhance communication, strengthen website publicity and narrow digitaldivide.
Keywords/Search Tags:e-government, government online, political trust
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