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"I", Family And Drugs-The Family Relationship In Relapsers’ Mind

Posted on:2013-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330362963717Subject:Social work
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In near30years, Global drug problem is growing in a rapid developing trend.There are200,000people in the world go to death because of drug addiction everyyear, and most of them are relapsers, who can’t help themselves getting into avicious circle of “withdrawal treatment–relapse–withdrawal treatmentagain–relapse again”. It has been a nightmare in relapsers’ mind. Their thoughts,emotions, life, and so on may have been covered up by the drug, but perhaps behindthe haze something is worth for us to discover.This study attempts to make a deep understanding of family relationship andlife about the subject through interviews. Releasing the individual voice of drugabusers. Presenting their individual choice and struggle in the life story by analysingdetails. Discussing the crossover and conflict as a family member and a drug user atthe same time. And finally exploring the coping strategies on the basis of theirinteraction between self and others.I hope that the study can connect the gap between closed treatment for addictsand the individuals live lives. And also give a new appropriate direction to socialworkers with the help of the strengths perspective and family life experiences.
Keywords/Search Tags:relapser, everyday life, family relationship, coping strategy
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