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On Protection Of Minority Shareholders’ Rights And Interests

Posted on:2013-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y TangFull Text:PDF
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With the constant development of social economy, company form is developingrapidly in our country, which provided the conditions for society to raise funds for themass production, and met requirements of the vast number of investors in the limitedliability company to obtain the greatest income, the legal system is in continuousimprovement and progress.The capital majority rule is the best choice and the convincing fair principle for thecompany law, but it is unfair and unreasonable obviously, which causes the majorityshareholders use the control force to oppression and infringement on minorityshareholders. In modern society, majority shareholders is the hands of minorityshareholders voting advantage utilization of manipulation of the company’s operations,seriously damage to the rights and benefits of minority shareholders, the investmententhusiasm of contusion of minority shareholder, make company system deviate fromthe substantive justice demands equity equality.In addition, the structure of companytreatment, there are still not perfect place, the shareholders’ and the board of directors isthe control of the controlling shareholders, minority shareholders’ legal rights is notguaranteed by controlling shareholders claims.This paper from some company law system of minority shareholders forinfringement of the rights to the main reason about minoyity shareholders put forwardhis rights and interests protection system improvement Suggestions. These Suggestionsfrom the solid systems, procedures system and other proposed system, for the legalsystem of our country company for the development of minority shareholders’ rightsand interests protection and the improvement of the system to contribute my littleability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Minority Shareholders, Majority Shareholders, Company Law, Protection of Rights and Interests
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