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Xi 'an Clarinet Music College Education Development Research

Posted on:2014-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Taking Xi’an Conservatory of Music clarinet teaching development as a startingpoint, discusses the clarinet into Chinese air plant, Xi’an Conservatory of Music from1949to early twenty-first Century the formal establishment of the development about60years clarinet art education. Mainly divided into: after the founding of new China tothe reform and opening up, reform and opening up to the early nineteen ninties,nineteen ninties to early twenty-first Century, including various periods of schooltextbooks, clarinet teachers, teaching methods, student and academic exchangeactivities. Based on data collection, collation, access about the development of Xi’anConservatory of Music clarinet art education, analyzes the education and teaching ofdifferent background, development of teaching course and sum up the Xi’anConservatory of Music decades of clarinet playing method and teaching experience.
Keywords/Search Tags:clarinet, teacher, education, students
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